Even more bug fixes
A brand new version of the eFP-Seq Browser has dropped!
Version 1.3.5 (dev version: p20210112) includes bug fixes, optimization and general improvements to make the experience smoother for the user.
- Updated styling to make the text more readable
- Updated moving elements to move faster and without notice
- Error message will display above whatever is in the body/content of the eFP-Seq Browser instead of replacing it
- Added code scanner workflows
Bug fix:
- Fixed issue where if no gene structure data was returned, prevent data from loading
- Fixed issue where if it was not able to generate a variant visualization, it would present the incorrect variant visualization. Now presents an error instead
- Fixed issue where if no RPKM was able to be calculated, it would prevent data from correctly loading
- Fixed issue where if no record/SRA data was generated, would cause issues with displaying the lack of data
- Fixed issue where some buttons sometimes did nothing when clicked
- Fixed issue where clicking submit on generating data would sometimes not send data to be loaded
- Fixed issue when uploading data or submitting data (from generating data) would keep the previous modal/window open instead of closing it
- Fixed issue where, when generating data and selecting a tissue, tissue selection sometimes fills with something the user did not click
- Fixed issue where the bulk template for generating data was not downloading
- Fixed issue where there is a missing arrow key for the dataset and/or tissue selection
- Fixed issue where if the web service returns an error relating to using SAMTools on the BAM files, may cause either continuous loading or failed to load RNA-seq mapping
- Fixed issue where sorting arrows would not appear on Microsoft Edge
- Fixed issue where user cannot download the table as an image on Microsoft Edge
- Fixed misaligned navbar footer
- Fixed bug where no tissue information was sent to the server to visual RNA-Seq data on user-generated data
- Fixed potential cause of gtag (Googe login) issues
- Fixed potential client-side cross-site scripting
- Updated metadata
- Updated packages including Bootstrap, ddslick, Google Material Icons, html2canvas, jQuery, jQuery UI, mathJS and tableToCSV
- Replaced custom lazy loading with browser's built-in lazy loading for images
- Added missing documentation
- Reorganized files to make it easier to find files
- Renamed files
- Updated installation notes within README
Known issue:
- If the web service timeouts, the eFP-Seq Browser will load continuously
- Loading circle is not centred