Userscript that notifies about messages using WebAPI. Additionally it logs messages to the console for clearer view of the conversation.
You can change most of the constants at the beginning of the script to set it up.
- chatNameToFollow - Name of the chat you want to follow.
- followingPosters - Array of persons' names you want to follow. It does not look for substrings (for now) so you have to provide full names.
- followingAll - Makes it so you'll recieve a notification form every message. Mainly for debug.
- notifyFollowing - Disable notifications.
- showAll - Logs every message, not only from the persons following.
- filterHash - GroupMe uses Console.log() for its own purposes and it supresses it by default. The script brings back logging, but it floods the console with unnecessary data. The hash works as a separator between timestamp and message logged, it should be unique, so that you can filter the console with it
- showNoComments - Logs "No new comments" message. For debug purposes.
- commentsToCheck - Number of comments to check back for new ones. It should not be lower than number of comments per interval.
- checkInterval - Sleep time after which a check for new comments is performed.
- Following based on message keywords'
- Daemon sometimes stops working after the window has been out of focus for some time, and then focused on again.