Install and configure Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager 3.
This module was forked from hubspot/nexus.
- puppet/archive
- puppet/extlib
- puppetlabs/stdlib
With version 3.0.0 we changed the default installation path from /srv
to /opt/sonatype
To migrate your current installation you will have to put something like the following into your role_nexus_server.pp
# shutdown the currently running service as we have to modify the operation system user
exec { 'shutdown-running-service':
command => '/usr/bin/systemctl stop nexus.service',
onlyif => [
'/usr/bin/test -d /srv/sonatype-work',
'/usr/bin/test ! -d /opt/sonatype/sonatype-work'
before => [
# nexus::package will extract the archive which contains an empty work directory
exec { 'remove-empty-work-directory':
command => '/usr/bin/rm -rf /opt/sonatype/sonatype-work',
onlyif => [
'/usr/bin/test -d /srv/sonatype-work',
'/usr/bin/test -d /opt/sonatype/sonatype-work'
before => [
require => [
# move the old working directory to the new location
exec { 'move-work-directory-to-new-location':
command => '/usr/bin/mv /srv/sonatype-work /opt/sonatype/',
onlyif => [
'/usr/bin/test -d /srv/sonatype-work',
'/usr/bin/test ! -d /opt/sonatype/sonatype-work'
require => [
before => Class['nexus::service'],
The following is a basic role class for building a nexus host. Adjust accordingly as needed.
NOTE: you must pass version to Class['nexus']
. This is needed for the
download link and determining the name of the nexus directory.
class role_nexus_server {
# puppetlabs-java
# NOTE: Nexus requires
class{ 'java': }
class{ 'nexus':
version => '3.42.0-01',
Class['java'] ->
Valid versions and revisions can be picked from the official page
The following is setup for using the puppet/puppet-nginx module. Nexus does not adequately support HTTP and HTTPS simultaneously. Below forces all connections to HTTPS. Be sure to login after the app is up and head to Administration -> Server. Change the base URL to "https" and check "Force Base URL". The application will be available at:
class{ '::nginx': }
file { '/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf':
ensure => absent,
require => Class['::nginx::package'],
notify => Class['::nginx::service']
nginx::resource::vhost { 'nexus':
ensure => present,
www_root => '/usr/share/nginx/html',
rewrite_to_https => true,
ssl => true,
ssl_cert => '/etc/pki/tls/certs/server.crt',
ssl_key => '/etc/pki/tls/private/server.key',
nginx::resource::location { 'nexus':
ensure => present,
location => '/',
vhost => 'nexus',
proxy => "http://${nexus::host}:${nexus::port}",
ssl => true,
To use nexus repository for docker you need to read the documentation for some additional config settings. Docker Repository Reverse Proxy Strategies
nginx::resource::location { 'nexus':
ensure => present,
location => '/',
locations => {
'docker-v2' => {
location => '/v2/',
proxy => "http://${nexus::host}:${nexus::port}/repository/docker-hosted/v2/",
vhost => 'nexus',
proxy => "http://${nexus::host}:${nexus::port}",
ssl => true,
Keep in mind that pushing to docker group repository is a pro feature of nexus repository manager.
- Find a way to not require a version to be passed to Class['nexus']
- Tom McLaughlin
Hubspot, Inc.