This is the stash-harvester
installation for the UC3 Dash service.
It consists of a Ruby bundle and a wrapper script,
To install, run bundle exec cap [ENVIRONMENT] deploy
is one of the environments defined in config/deploy
, stage
, or production
. The server hostname for each environment
is given in the corresponding configuration file.
Note that the deployment requires SSH access to the dash2
role account on the
target server.
The actual harvest script is /dash2/apps/dash2-harvester/current/bin/
The current deployment can be found in the /dash2/apps/dash2-harvester/current
directory on the target machine. Shared files, specifically the log
and db
directories, are found in /dash2/apps/dash2-harvester/shared
, with symlinks
under current
The main harvester configuration file is
. The config
file includes development
, stage
, and production
environments; note that
these are not hard-coded at deployment time, but must be set by passing the
environment variable when invoking the harvest script. (Note the
in the example crontab entry below.)
script will harvest once, logging to STDOUT, and exit. To
schedule harvesting on an ongoing basis, create a cron
job -- e.g. the
line below, which harvests every five minutes with the stage
environment configuration, redirecting both STDOUT and STDERR to the log
file /dash2/apps/dash2-harvester/current/log/dash2-harvester.log
*/5 * * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'STASH_ENV=stage /dash2/apps/dash2-harvester/current/bin/ >> /dash2/apps/dash2-harvester/current/log/dash2-harvester.log 2>&1'
Capistrano can create the crontab entry using the prepare:install_crontab
task, or remove it (if Capistrano created it) using the prepare:remove_crontab
task, e.g.
$ cap development prepare:install_crontab
However, the crontab entries on CDL’s servers are managed by Puppet, so these tasks should not be used except to create an example entry.
On startup, the harvester will check for a file
in the /dash2/apps/dash2-harvester/shared/
directory, and if this file is present, will exit without harvesting.
This makes it possible to ‘stop’ the harvester without editing the crontab