Apng support for android
fork form: https://github.com/kris520/ApngDrawable
this is a module library for lib 'animategraphics' or you can just use it as well.
// Init ApngLoader ApngLoader.init(this);
// Load a apng to imageView
// ImageView scaleType support CENTER_INSIDE/CENTER_CROP/FIT_XY, and default FIT_XY
File imageFile;
ApngHelper.loadAnimatedPng(view, file.getAbsolutePath(), new ApngImageLoadingListener(null) {
public void onLoadingComplete(String imageUri, ImageView imageView, Drawable loadedImage) {
super.onLoadingComplete(imageUri, imageView, loadedImage);
Log.d(TAG, "onLoadingComplete");
public void onLoadFailed(String imageUri, ImageView imageView) {
Log.d(TAG, "onLoadFailed");
目前Apng支持不完整,在部分特殊情况下,drawable渲染的时候可能出现上一帧部分残留。 原因是canvas绘制时cliprect导致