Smart agriculture solution using AI for Indonesian farmers: crop recommendations, disease management, sustainability
To be the number one agricultural brand in the world in terms of goodness and convenience in farming
We are here to provide optimal service to customers by respecting all their requests and using new technology as a step to become the number one brand.
- App Engine
- Cloud Run
- Node.Js
- Cloud SQL
- Cloud Storage
- Express JS Framework
- Riyandi Firman Pratama | Mobile Development Engineer
- Reyhan Agus Priyatna | Machine Learning Engineer
- Iman Nurohman | Machine Learning Engineer
- Husada Hutasoit | Cloud Computing Engineer
- Hedrin Sitorus | Machine Learning Engineer
- Rolasta Sitorus | Cloud Computing Engineer
- Farmer Marketplace
- All Plant Diseases Detection
- Community Platform and store
The service available:
Base url of this service is: http://localhost:5000/
POST /login
POST /register
POST /logout
POST /refresh
GET /users/
GET /user/{userId}
PUT /user/{userId}
DEL /user/{userId}
GET /plants
GET /plant/{plantId}
POST /plant/{plantId}
PUT /plant/{plantId}
DEL /plant/{plantId}
GET /diseases
GET /disease/{diseaseId}
POST /disease
PUT /disease/{diseaseId}
DEL /disease/{diseaseId}
POST /prediction/potato
POST /prediction/peppers
POST /predictions/rises
GET /historys/
GET /history/{historyId}
POST /history
DEL /history/{historyId}
Recomendation Store
GET /stores
POST /store/{storeId}
PUT /store/{storeId}
GET /store/{storeId}
DEL /store/{storeId}
This service utilizes token-based authentication, requiring users to have an account for accessing its features. If you don't have an account, please create a new one. Once registered, you can generate an authentication token. This token serves as a means of logging in, requiring you to authenticate yourself using your email and password. If the authentication is successful, you will receive an access token, enabling you to access the service. If the authentication fails, an error message will be displayed.
The provided tokens are the accessToken and refreshToken. The refreshToken is used for token refreshing purposes. The accessToken remains valid for one hour. To refresh the token, you must send the refreshToken to the service. If the refreshToken is valid, a new accessToken will be provided. If the refreshToken is invalid, an error message will be returned.
By following this authentication process, you can securely access the service and enjoy its functionalities.
This project run in node js version 18.13.0.
- Install all dependencies with
npm install
- Make your database and export from database/farmgenius.sql
- Run server:
npm run start-dev
npm run start
In order to run this project, you need to configure the following environment variables:
PORT= {your server port}
# Database Configuration MySQL
DB_HOST= {define your db host}
DB_USERNAME= {define your db username}
DB_PASSWORD= {define your db password}
DB_NAME= {define your db name}
SECRET_KEY= {define your secret key}
REFRESH_TOKEN_KEY= {define your refresh key}
I'd be happy to review any pull requests that may better the TanamIn project, in particular if you have a bug fix, enhancement, or a new idea, you can contact us.