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Gradle Plugin for adding a badge with version to app icons

alt text


Gradle 5.1.1

Android Gradle Plugin 3.3.

How to add

Add this to your project's build.gradle

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ""

Then apply plugin in your app's build.gradle

apply plugin: "ru.cleverpumpkin.badge"


android {
    buildTypes {
        debug {}
        release {}
    productFlavors {
        stage {}
        production {}

badge {
    buildTypes {
        debug {
            enabled = true
            text = "debug"
        // Do not add badge in release build type.
    // or
    productFlavors {
        stage {
            enabled = true
            text = "stage"

        production {
            enabled = true
            text = "production"
    // or
    // Variants has the highest priority. If variants config specified,
    // others will be ignored.
    variants {
        stageDebug {
            enabled = true
            text = "stageDebug"

Custom icons

You can specify manually which icons to process:

badge {
    iconNames = ["@mipmap/ic_launcher_cusom"]


If you're using plugin in a library module and use icons from this module in you app module, you need to specify icon names in library module.


You can specify text size, label color, text color. Gravity customization isn't available. Bottom used by default.

badge {
    buildTypes {
        debug {
            enabled = true
            text = "debug"
            fontSize = 12 // Default value: 10
            // Note that colors in format "#XXX" not supported,
            // you have to specify colors as "#XXXXXX".
            textColor = "#FFFFFF"
            labelColor = "#000000"

Developed by

Sergey Chuprin -

Maintained by

CleverPumpkin –