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1 Introduction

This is a demo app that demonstrates how to integrate XGen output files. For the details on XGen's outputs for iOS, please refer to Doc.

2 SDK Usage

Among the XGen's output for iOS, the most useful components are *.fallback and xgen.framework. The former is the AI model, and the latter is the XGen's runtime that executes the AI model. The use of the AI model through XGen can be seen in file XGenOutputUsageDemo_iOS/XGenEngine.swift, explained as follows.

2.1 Import xgen.framework

Find the *.fallback file from the *compiled_file/ios/benchmark_data directory under XGen workplace, and put it into XGenOutputUsageDemo_iOS/Resource directory of this project. Change the file name to your own in XGenOutputUsageDemo_iOS/XHomeViewController.swift

Find xgen.framework from *compiled_file/ios/ under XGen workplace, and put it into xgen/ directory of this project.

xgen.framework is a normal iOS framework, you can use whatever methods for framework to integrate it in your iOS project. We use local private pod to integrate it in our demo. Please refer to Podfile and local xgen folder for details.

2.2 Initialize XGen

Call the XGenInit method with xxx.fallback file's content to initialize XGen

2.3 Input data preprocessing

The input data is preprocessed according to the model parameters. Here is an example of preprocessing the input image for EfficientNet to work on the image.

guard let scaledImage = image.scaled(toWidth: imageWidth, toHeight: imageHeight) else {
    outputLabel.text = "Classification: image scaled failed"
    choosePhotoButton.isEnabled = true

/* get image pixel rgb */
guard let rgbaImage = RGBAImage(image: scaledImage) else {
    outputLabel.text = "Classification: get scaled image pixel image failed"
    choosePhotoButton.isEnabled = true

var floatValues: [Float] = Array(repeating: 0, count: rgbaImage.width * rgbaImage.height * imageChannel)
var index = 0

for y in 0..<rgbaImage.height {
    for x in 0..<rgbaImage.width {
        let offset = y * rgbaImage.width + x
        let outPixel = rgbaImage.pixels[offset]
        floatValues[index] = (Float(outPixel.R) / 255.0 - modelMean[0]) / modelStd[0]
        index += 1
        floatValues[index] = (Float(outPixel.G) / 255.0 - modelMean[1]) / modelStd[1]
        index += 1
        floatValues[index] = (Float(outPixel.B) / 255.0 - modelMean[2]) / modelStd[2]
        index += 1

2.4 Call the AI model generated by XGen

Call the XGenCopyBufferToTensor method to pass the preprocessed data into the XGen runtime, and then call the XGenRun method to run the AI model

guard let inputTensor = XGenGetInputTensor(xgen, 0) else {
    print("input tensor init failed")
    return nil

let floatMemorySize = MemoryLayout<Float>.size

let inputSizeBytes = XGenGetTensorSizeInBytes(inputTensor)
let inputSize = inputSizeBytes / floatMemorySize
print("input_size: \(inputSize)")

var input: [Float] = Array(repeating: 0, count: inputSize)
let inputChannelSize = inputSize / 3
for i in 0..<inputChannelSize {
    for j in 0..<3 {
        let srcIndex = i * 3 + j
        let dstIndex = i + inputChannelSize * j
        input[dstIndex] = inputData[srcIndex]

input.withUnsafeBytes { rawBufferPointer in
    let rawPtr = rawBufferPointer.baseAddress!
    XGenCopyBufferToTensor(inputTensor, rawPtr, inputSizeBytes)

guard XGenRun(xgen) == XGenOk else {
    print("xgen run error")
    return nil

2.5 Get XGen output

Call the XGenCopyTensorToBuffer method to get the output of XGen, which is a float array in the example

guard let outputTensor = XGenGetOutputTensor(xgen, 0) else {
    print("output tensor init failed ")
    return nil
let outputSizeBytes = XGenGetTensorSizeInBytes(outputTensor)
let outputSize = outputSizeBytes / floatMemorySize
print("output_size: \(outputSize)")
var output: [Float] = Array(repeating: 0, count: outputSize)
output.withUnsafeMutableBytes { mutableRawBufferPointer in
    let mutalbeRawPtr = mutableRawBufferPointer.baseAddress!
    XGenCopyTensorToBuffer(outputTensor, mutalbeRawPtr, outputSizeBytes)

3 Copyright

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XGen output usage demo for iOS







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