I ❤️ JavaScript!!
- Fork this repo to your github account.
- Clone it locally onto your laptop.
- Create a folder with your name, ex: cody_williams
- Add this repo as a REMOTE to your locally cloned copy.
git remote add upstream https://github.com/CodingDojoDallas/mean_sept_2017.git
- Profit!
Please commit daily. That way we can provide you with feedback :) or just a thumbs up if everything looks good. Here is a good resource that describes how daily commit process should go.
MEAN - Intro to JavaScript
MEAN - Callbacks, Promises, & Arrow Functions
MEAN - JavaScript Library Demo
MEAN - Intro to Express
MEAN - Express-Session
MEAN - Socket.IO
MEAN - MongoDB
MEAN - Mongoose Basic Queries
MEAN - Mongoose Associations and Advanced Queries
MEAN - Modularizing Server-Side Code
MEAN - Task-API Demo
MEAN - Login & Registration
MEAN - TypeScript & Angular Intro
MEAN - Angular - Component Data
MEAN - Angular - Submitting Forms & Click Events
MEAN - Angular - @Input() & @Output()
MEAN - Angular - Services & HTTP
MEAN - Angular - Routing
MEAN - Angular - Full MEAN
Full MEAN - Anonymous Notes
Full MEAN - Login/Reg
Full MEAN - Deployment
Full MEAN - Surveys Exam (Back-End)
Full MEAN - Surveys Exam (Front-End)
MDN JavaScript Documentation
W3Schools JavaScript Documentation
ES6 Cheatsheet
JavaScript Promises: an Introduction
ExpressJS Documentation
NPM Documentation
Express-Session Documentation
Socket.IO Documentation
MongoDB Documentation
Mongoose Documentation
BcryptJS Documentation
TypeScript Documentation
Angular Documentation
Why TypeScript with Angular?
Daily Cadence:
9am - Algo
9:45am - Algo presentations
10:15am - Morning activities
2pm - Afternoon activities