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No due date 60% complete

This milestone will be met when the metaroom is suitable for Wolfling Runs. This means:

  • All agents that creatures can interact with meet current standards for creature fairness, including proper scripts and stims.
  • Creatures are capable of navigating to wherever they need to navigate to (proper CA links, lifts that function as they should, etc).
  • There are…

This milestone will be met when the metaroom is suitable for Wolfling Runs. This means:

  • All agents that creatures can interact with meet current standards for creature fairness, including proper scripts and stims.
  • Creatures are capable of navigating to wherever they need to navigate to (proper CA links, lifts that function as they should, etc).
  • There are no agents that unfairly kill or hurt a creature in an inescapable or unavoidable way.
  • There are no areas in the world where a normal-sized creature will glitch through the room system or get stuck.
  • There are no agents that will overpopulate and slow down the world over time.

Also note that:

  • Sacrifices can be made. The temporary removal of agents or blocking off of areas that do not meet standards for creature fairness will count towards this milestone, in hopes that we don't stall this project out on hangups that require more effort.