A Phishing Analyzer made in python 3.11
It scans both the email header and the email body and collects informations
- It fetches the necessary and important details of the email like Sender,DKIM-Signature,Authentication-Results and Received-SPF,etc
- It fetches all the url(http/https) present in the email and checks whether the link redirects to the same url or to any other site
- Tries to identify if any link shortening technique was used or not
- Checks the Protocol of the url
#clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/Debang5hu/SafeMail.git
#changind the directory
cd SafeMail
#install the requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
#to run
python3 main.py -h
- To check for Spelling and grammatical mistakes in the body of the email
- To take decision whether the email is safe or not
- If any attachment is present then to scan its hash value against malicious hash[to identify whether the attachment is safe or not]
PS : you need to have python > 3.8 to run the tool
Contributions are most welcome ❤️