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Simple command generator, that will create structures from microblocks in vanila minecraft.


This program will allow users to create 3D objects layer by layer in editor and generate list of commands to build that structures in game with command block.

preview_editor_1_png preview_editor_2_png

Currently written for unix only, any support with porting this program for windows will be awesome! :)

Depends on:

  • SDL
  • SDL_image
  • SDL_ttf

Compilation from source:

  • Clone repository (git clone
  • Install dependences with your package manager: apt, pacman, zypper, etc.
  • Change directory to the project root (cd microblock-generator-vanila-minecraft)
  • Run make

How to use:

  • Run ./microblockgen.out
  • Click on field to place block
  • Click on placed block to remove it
  • Click on bottom menu to select block to place
  • Click on selected block in bottom menu to open block selection menu
  • Change current layer by pressing arrows on the right side of the screen
  • Set in world coordinates for structure on the bottom pannel
  • You can save/load your constructions by pressing buttons with down and up arrows in the bottom menu
  • When you are done, just quit, commands will be saved in "output.txt" in the same directory, where compiled program is.
  • Put commands one by one in the command block in the game and activate command block with redstone signal after each command or use mrgarretto's command combiner "" to make commands much more compact.

Command block required!


Based on this in game command:

/summon armor_stand ~0.183f ~0.171f ~0f {Small:1, ShowArms:1, HandItems:[{id:log2,Damage:0,Count:1},{}], Pose:{RightArm:[-15f,0f,0f]}, Rotation:[45f], NoGravity:1b, Marker:1b, Invisible:1b, NoBasePlate:1f}


Creates microblocks in vanila minecraft








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