Repo for "Confidence predicts speed-accuracy tradeoff for subsequent decisions", authored by Kobe Desender, Annika Boldt, Tom Verguts, & Tobias H donner. Published in eLife.
The raw data from this paper are available here:
"preprocess_and_behavior.R" loads and preprocesses raw data in R 3.4.2, saves the cleaned data for hddm fitting, and creates the figures and analysis for the behavior.
"" loads the preprocessed data, and fits this using the HDDM (version 0.6.0) in python 2.7.
"plot_ddm_output.R" loads the hddm output and makes beautiful plots from these.
"preprocess_EEG_data.R": loads and preprocesses raw (EEG) data, saves the cleaned data for hddm fitting.
"" loads preproceseed EEG data, and fits a model estimating regression coefficients relating previous trial Pe/ERN to bound/drdift.
"" loads preproceseed EEG data, and fits a model estimating the influence of previous trial binned amplitude Pe on bound/drift.
"plot_ddm_EEG_output.r": loads the hddm output from the EEG fits and makes beautiful plots from these.