The goal of the central intelligence platform group is to create a set of common services that will be of use to enterprises that are building and using AI based solutions. These would not replicate any other open source community initiatives, but reuse and build upon existing approaches and schematics.
This repository will be used to keep track of the meetings and discussions in the working group of central intelligence platfornm, and the files presented in the meetings.
The content deck would typically be the version refelcting all changes and modifications present after the meeting was held.
The specific service will be discussed and decided upon by members of the working group.
Details about this Group:
Main Contact Name: Dinesh Verma, IBM (electronic contact at : dverma AT us DOT ibm dot COM )
List of team members :
To join the Working Group: Subscribe at
Regular Interlock time: Mondays from 12-noon to 1 PM Eastern, Alternating every second Monday
To join the interlock meeting: Use