An interface between different versions of Craftbukkit. The problem is that if you use Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()
then your plugin will only work with either Bukkit v1.7.9 & older
, OR Bukkit v1.7.10 & newer
... But not both.
The solution is to use BukkitInterface.getOnlinePlayers()
in order to make your plugin compatible with any version
of Craftbukkit that the server might be running.
Collection<Player> players = BukkitInterface.getOnlinePlayers(); // always works !!!
[] ( "Maven Repository")
If you use maven, put these declarations in your pom.xml:
repositories section:
Check to make sure this repository is still active. If not, you will have to install the project to your local ~/.m2/repository
Installation to your local ~/.m2/repository
git latest version:
git clone
mvn clean install
git previous versions:
git clone
git log --format=oneline
git checkout <hash>
mvn clean install
git checkout master
file download & mvn install:
- Or, you can download a jar and run the
mvn install:install-file
command. - This is also helpful to install any dependencies that maven can't automatically download.
- Arguments:
: The name & location of the jar-DgroupId=
: Mine ismc.euro
: If you decompile or unzip the jar, then you can find this & other information inside the folderMETA-INF/maven/{groupId}.{artifactId}/
: Also found
- Example:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile="C:\Users\Nikolai\Documents\lib\BukkitInterface\2.0.1\BukkitInterface.jar" -DgroupId=mc.euro -DartifactId=BukkitInterface -Dversion=2.0.1 -Dpackaging=jar -DcreateChecksum=true
- Arguments:
dependencies section:
build-plugins section:
- Bukkit API
- 1.7.9 & 1.7.10 are required for compilation
Nick at
Nicodemis79 on Skype