I'm Florian Latapie !
- mdp - Because a password generator website became filled with ads.
- MS-Edge_Read_aloud_fix - Fix Microsoft Edge's read-aloud function by replacing error-prone characters with similar looking ones.
- Scrape Hyperplanning Polytech Nice Sophia - Selenium-based web scraper for my school's management software
- Running Docker on Android (no root) - I tried just for fun to run Docker on my non rooted phone, it works (tutorial in french)
- computer-outro - Shutdown your computer with awesome outro music!
- LeftOrRightSimple - Ask the community what they think about different concepts, PHP project.
- GUI Windows Sandbox configuration - Python Tkinter Graphical User Interface to configure Windows Sandbox.
- Config - All config files for my computers.
- BetterClock - Analog & Digital clock at the same time, Java project.
I imported most of my school projects on GitHub, you can find them by sorting my repositories by name:
School names:
- UNS-IUT-Info: Université Nice Sophia Antipolis - IUT Informatique - Campus Fabron
- IUT1: 1st year of two year of university diploma in Computer Science
- IUT2: 2nd and last year of university diploma in Computer Science
- SI3: 1st year of engineering degree
- SI4: 2nd year of engineering degree
- SI5: 3rd and last year of engineering degree
- S[1-4]: UNS-IUT-Info semesters
- S[5-9]: PNS semesters
Some projects are coded in French, the language of the code and the documentation is specified in the description of the repository.
2023/11/17 edit:
One of my teachers at UNS-IUT-Info has asked me to remove all the git repositories associated with this school.
- palin13.py - This script prints words that are still words when rot13 is applied.
- imgzipper.py and imgzipper-golfed.py - This script creates a zip file with the images asked by the user (two files: golfed and readable).
- snake.py - Simple Python snake using curses.
- AreYouDumb.java - Simple funny Java Swing window.
- mvn_win_install.cmd - Windows command to install maven because its such a pain to do it manually.
- tictactoe.py - Simple Python Tic-tac-toe using the mouse in the terminal with curses.
- switch_com_dev.js - Switch between Switch between .com and .dev domains on your browser.
- go_to_gists.js - Go directly to a person's GitHub Gist profile by clicking on a bookmark with this code.
- florianlatapie.github.io - Redirects to my LinkedIn page
- gist.github.com/FlorianLatapie - My Gist: there is a lot of tiny projects I've made, some of them are funny, some are useful you should check them out !