This section contains possible exam questions compiled from different sources.
Since all questions here are answered by students, there might be some mistakes in them. Hence a few more words on how to best handle this section.
Just add the question in the respective file. Optimally, you can already provide an answer.
To clearly distinguish questions from answers, please put answers in **blockquotes **right under the respective question.
- How can 1D secondary structure information be used to derive a 3D model?
It is not possible to derive a 3D model from 1D information. (Trick Question)
If you think an answer does not properly answer a question (e.g. it is wrong or the answer is not sufficient), mark the answer and open a new **issue **on Github to discuss the question and share your improved answer.
(Use the ❓emoji to mark the possibly wrong answer inline)
- How can 1D secondary structure information be used to derive a 3D model?
❓ It is not possible to derive a 3D model from 1D information. (Trick Question)