What is HeavySpleef?
Spleef is a gamemode in Minecraft where your goal is to knock out players by destroying a floor so the other player falls down. If a player touches a losezone he is out of the game. Last man standing wins... With this plugin you can easily setup games without much knowledge. Just define a cuboid with the built-in selection system or make a cylinder game and add a lobby point and a floor. After that, the game is ready to play! For more infos how to setup an game click the "Documentation" button on the bukkit-dev site.
Made for Bukkit (Minecraft 1.7)
Bukkit-Dev: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/heavyspleef/
Github: https://github.com/matzefratze123/HeavySpleef
Build-Server/CI-Management: http://ci.matzefratze123.de/jenkins/job/HeavySpleef/