Automata.Core - Core library (zero-dependency library, optimal if you do not need visualization)
Automata.Visualization - Full library that also includes visualization and rendering of automata.
The Automata library provides functionality for working with finite-state automata.
⭐ Example Features:
- Create NFAs (Non-deterministic Finite Automata) from sequences or other data.
- Convert NFAs to DFAs (Deterministic Finite Automata).
- Minimize Automata to reduce states while preserving functionality.
Find the source code on GitHub:
Automata GitHub Repository
The core library provides essential tools for finite-state automata operations. It offers a lightweight and clean solution without visualization features.
Random random = new Random(7);
var sequences = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(_ => Enumerable.Range(0, 8).Select(_ => random.Next(4).ToString())); //Create some random string sequences
IFsa fsa = new Nfa(sequences).ToCfa(); //Create a canonical minimized automaton from the sequences
The Automata.Visualization library extends the core Automata functionality with visualization capabilities, powered by MSAGL (Microsoft Automatic Graph Library).
🔑 Key Features:
- Visualize automata as graphs.
- Includes all core Automata functionality.
Console.WriteLine("Creating graph."); // Write some text output to the console window
Random random = new Random(7);
var sequences = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(_ => Enumerable.Range(0, 8).Select(_ => random.Next(4).ToString())); //Create some random string sequences
IFsa fsa = new Nfa(sequences).ToCfa(); //Create a canonical minimized automaton from the sequences
Graph graph = fsa.CreateGraph(); // Create a displayable graph object (FSA wih layout)
//Graph graph = sequences.CreateGraph(); //Alternatively you can use this command, to replace the 2 lines above
GraphView graphView = GraphView.OpenNew(graph); // Open a new non-modal interactive window that displays the graph in it
Console.WriteLine("Graph is displayed."); // Write some text output to the console window
Install the packages via the .NET CLI or Package Manager in Visual Studio.
dotnet add package Automata.Core
dotnet add package Automata.Visualization
- Automata.Core: .NET 9.0 and later
- Automata.Visualization: .NET 9.0 and later
- None
These dependencies will be automatically installed when you install
via NuGet.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.