The code is designed to perform following operations.
Computing parameters (slope and intercept) of best line of fit by robust linear regression with M-estimation.
Detecting outliers in the given data by
- standardized residual
- weight of each data point given during robust regression
Generating visualized result (in BMP format) that shows
- line of best fit for the input data
- observed data points
- detected outlier data points
- detected inlier data points
- Windows/Linux OS
- Command-line interface is required
- Graphic user interface is not supported
CMAKE version 3.18.1 or above
C/C++ compiler that supports C++20 standard
Any text file editor
Any iamge viewer
- Automated compilation uses Shell/Batch script.
- The scripts assume that every prerequisite is installed with the default setting.
- If custom installed is used, please modify the shell/batch script with any text editor or follow manual compilation.
- The shell/batch scripts will
- generate build directory for the compilation process.
- generate execute directory and copy executable and example input to the directory.
- remove build directory after completing above processes.
- Please ignore the warning message related to the time skew.
- The manual compilation will do exactly the same thing described in the automated compilation.
- It is written for users who do not want to use the .sh/.bat file, or the automated compilation cannot be done due to system settings.
cmake -S . -B build/ cd build make cd .. mkdir execute cp build/proj_r execute cp example_data/observed_data.dvec rm -r buildNOTE
- If following WARNING MESSAGE is returned after make command.
make[2]: Warning: File 'CMakeFiles/proj_r.dir/depend.make' has modification time 0.X s in the future make[2]: warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete.
- The warning can be ignored, but do the following if you want to fix the warning message.
make clean make
cmake -S . -B build/ compiler_path compile_target compiler_mode mkdir execute copy build\Release\proj_r.exe execute copy example_data\observed_data.dvec executewhere
- compiler_path = path to MSBuild.exe
- If environment variable to MSBuild.exe is set => MSBuild.exe
- If environment variable to MSBuild.exe is not set, but Visual Studio 20XX installed with defualt setting => C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\20XX\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe
- compile_target = build\CSE701_PROJ_03.sln
- compiler_mode = /property:Configuration=Release
cmake -S . -B build/ -G "MinGW Makefiles" cd build make cd .. mkdir execute copy build\Release\proj_r.exe execute copy example_data\observed_data.dvec execute
- Please relocate the desired input data file under execute directory or relocate the executable under the execute directory to where the user wants.
./proj_r weight_func detect_func observed_data.dvec
./proj_r.exe weight_func detect_func observed_data.dvec
- The input will computes parameters for best line of fit by using Robust Regression with bisquare as its weight function, and differentiate inlier and outlier by using standardized residual as outlier detection method.
- It will generate
- inlier_data.dvec
- outlier_data.dvec
- result_plot.bmp
./proj_r bisquare standardized_residual observed_data.dvecComputed slope: 2.000000e+00 Computed intercept: 3.000000e+00 Detected outliers: 22 out of 100
./proj_rThe program is designed to perform linear regression and detect outlier. First Input Weight function for robust regression Please, select one from the list from the link https://www.mathworks.com/help/stats/robustfit.html#mw_48d239e7-b4dc-4a5e-8e97-ba7c34ce85b9 Second Input Type of outlier detection method Please choose one between 'weight' and 'standardized_resdual' Third Input Path to the first file - observed x data. Path to the second file - observed y data. Example Input for Linux proj_r bisquare standardized_residual observed_data.dvec Example Input for Windows proj_r.exe bisquare standardized_residual observed_data.dvec
- specifies weight function which will be used in Robust Regression process to adjust effectiveness of given data point.
- The data points with weight near 1 has bigger effectiveness while the data points near 0 has smaller effectiveness.
- Please check the link for detail.
- The followings are list of weight function option for the program.
- andrews
- bisquare - Suggested option
- cauchy
- fair
- huber
- logistic
- talwar
- welsch
- Specifies outlier detection function which will be used in Outlier Detection process to compute standard point of define what is outlier in the data.
- The followings are list of outlier detection method for the program.
- standardized_residual - Suggested option
- weight - Not suggested option
- The input data which contains coordinate of observed data.
- For example, if the given data set is a record of the amount of salary according to years of employment,
- years of employment the collection of independent variables
- amount of wages the set of dependent variables.
- The length (= number of elements in the file) must match each other.
- The following is simple explanation of how to use the classes in the project as part of another project.
- To see the detailed examples of using the classes, please check the code under the example directory
- The classes its name starts with FACADE keyword are the class designed for convenience of users who are not experienced in C/C++ or who want to use default setting.
- The classes automatically validate inputs and initialize everything required for proceeding computation.
- The classes its name does not start with FACADE requires manual initialization of input and output data such as vector size.
- Currently, code is not separated into .hpp and .cpp, and code uses C++ standard libraries only. Therefore, the code can be used by including the header files without special compilation options.
- Please includes facade_regression.hpp
- Instantiates FACADE_REGRESSION object with required input variables.
- Use member function proceed_regression() to perform regression
- Use member function get_estimates() to get estimates.
- Use member function get_w_weight() to get weights.
- Please includes facade_detection.hpp
- Instantiates FACADE_DETECTION object with required input variables.
- Use member function proceed_detection() to perform detection.
- Use member function get_outliers() to get outliers.
- Use member function get_inliers() to get inliers.
- Because user-defined data structure is not used in the project 03, none of operators are overloaded in the project 03.
Error code starts with READ ERROR is defined in DATA_READ class
- It happens when there is no file exist at the given path.
- It generally happens due to a word mismatch between an actual file name and a provided file name.
- Please check the file name and the command-line arguments.
- It happens when the given path is not a file.
- Please ensure that the path is a file, not a directory.
- It happens when the target file's format is not one of .dvec or .csv
- Please ensure that the file format is .dvec or .csv
- It happens when the target file cannot be opened.
- Please check that the file is not damaged.
Error code starts with WRITE ERROR is defined in DATA_WRITE class
- If happens when empty array is received.
- Please ensure that input array is not empty.
- It happens when the length of two arrays are not matching.
- Please ensure that the input arrays' lengths is matching.
- It happens when a file format denoted at file name is not supported.
- Please ensure that file format contained in the output file is .dvec or .csv
- It happens when a file writes out result cannot be generated.
- Unknown reason.
Error code starts with BMP WRITE ERROR is defined in BMP_OUT class
- It happens when the targeted coordinate is larger than the image size.
- Please ensure that the targeted coordinate is not larger than the image size.
- It happens when the array storing pixel colour data is empty.
- Please ensure that the pixel data array is filled with data.
- It happens when a file format denoted at file name is not supported.
- Please ensure that file format contained in the output file is .bmp
- It happens when a file to write-out pixel data cannot be generated.
- Unknown reason.
Error code starts with OUTLIER DETECTION ERROR is defined in OUTLIER_DETECTION class.
- It happens when the length of two arrays are not matching.
- Please ensure that the input arrays' lengths is matching.
Error code starts with OUTLIER PLOT ERROR is defined in OUTLIER_PLOT class.
- It happens when the length of two arrays are not matching.
- Please ensure that the input arrays' lengths is matching.
Error code starts with FACADE REGRESSION ERROR is defined in FACADE_REGRESSION class.
- It happens when data to compute robust regression is not given/initialized.
- Please ensure that the required variables are initialized before computation.
- It happens when required data is initialized but the weight function is not selected.
- Please ensure that the weight method is selected.
Error code starts with FACADE DETECTION ERROR is defined in DETECTION class.
- It happens when data to proceed outlier detection by standardized residual is not given/initialized.
- Please ensure that the required data is initialized.
- It happens when data to proceed outlier detection by weight data is not given/initialized.
- Please ensure that the required data is initialized.
Non-standard input format .dvec are designed for this project
It is designed for store observed data of "linear system".
The first element in the file denotes number of data points.
The remaining elements in the file denote observed data.
Left elements are independent variables (X-Axis) of observed.
Right elements are dependent variables (Y-Axis) of observed.
- Number of elements : 5
- Data Points : (1, 5), (2, 7), (3, 9), (4, 11), (5, 13)
5 1 5 2 7 3 9 4 11 5 13
Standard input format .csv can be used for this project
The first element in the file denotes number of data points.
The remaining elements in the file denote observed data.
Left elements are independent variables (X-Axis) of observed.
Right elements are dependent variables (Y-Axis) of observed.
Delimiter comma uses to separate values for spreed sheet form.
- Number of elements : 5
- Data Points : (1, 5), (2, 7), (3, 9), (4, 11), (5, 13)
5 1, 5 2, 7 3, 9 4, 11 5, 13