The transfer function hydrograph separation (TRANSEP) package provides coupled but constrained representations of transport and hydraulic transfer functions (Weiler et al., 2003). These functions can be used to simulate hydrologic response (e.g. discharge) and tracer concentrations (e.g. bromide). The following models are available:
- Dispersion model (DM)
- Exponential piston model (EPM)
- Gamma model (GM)
- Linear reservoir model (LRM)
- Parallel linear reservoir model (PLRM)
The full documentation can be found at:
This software can be distributed freely under the MIT license. Please read the LICENSE for further information. © 2024, Robin Schwemmle (
Weiler, M., McGlynn, B. L., McGuire, K. J., and McDonnell, J. J.: How does rainfall become runoff? A combined tracer and runoff transfer function approach, Water Resources Research, 39,, 2003.