This is The MoistScript NG Wiki Content
Fixed Some incorrect offsets:
Fixes Lockon Missile Features
Removed Any Global Shit I Know is not updated yet. If you find anything not working/updated that i have missed please drop me a DM.
Updated all essential features
Removed Some Crash Kick Script Event Features
Added Some New Crash Kick Events to the Script Event Features
Added Kosatka Fast Travel Discount within Sub Missile Cooldown & Range Feature
Various other stuff i was working on before the update cant remember it all its been so long
Fast Nightclub Earnings Money Method for self, go to your nightclub office safe open it stand in the threshold of the doorway, turn on and enjoy some fast cash, periodically this will pause for a moment to allow transactions to clear and transfer the money into your bank! I found this to be slower in full sessions solo takes no time at all to clock up a few million! Don't Be retarded with its use! Few Million every now and then do some other stuff then you should be OK! I have done this for a few weeks got 3 billion in the bank now and no issues just be casual with its use!
Once a Sub Missile is detected and Marked a Counter Missile Attack is Launched Locked Onto the Sub Missile to take it out the sky and Destroy it!
Weapon Mods Created by: || IN2MOIST || Orbital Gun, Vehicle Missile Replacements, Give Any Non Weaponised Vehicle Lock-on Missiles, These all only work for yourself!
Takes Script Host after a set delay to avoid trying to take it too soon and crashing yourself. this is now enabled for non VIP users
Protects yourself against your own Script events used in Most Moist script Functions
Set Game Time in Minutes to Real-time Milliseconds
Forces Session Players to Mission Screen
Cleans the Session of Entities Respecting Player Owned Vehicles
WIP(still working out the best values) Gives the Nitros Boost Capable Vehicles Increased Boost Power and Duration
Makes your current vehicle Stronger like an armoured vehicle, so it will take less actual Damage from impacts etc.
Mark Players as Modder with Cheat or Dev Bit Set on
Give All Players a Bounty
Use Menu Notify's to display information from Script Functions. Turning This OFF will Disable Most if not all Notify's from Moist Script
Resets & Destroys Scripted Cam Created
Spawns a Ruiner 2000 with a parachute that can crash most if not all of the session when used!
Improves the TerrorByte Drone: | Removes Cool-down between uses | Removes Shock Recharge Time | Increases Forward Speed | Increases Distance Range & Height Range
Good For Boats and Aircraft to increase Power of the engine. This will toggle off exiting any vehicle. For normal land vehicles this can make the vehicle impossible to control and looks sketchy for another players POV.
Gives the F-160 Rai-ju Jet Bombs that work only in Stealth Mode, Bomb Effect Duration Increased (Gas Bombs Produce Gas for Longer)
At Script Start Checks for outdated Files will be done if any are found script will Automatically Download required files to keep the Script up to date
Sets your Ped to not take critical hits! No More One Shot Hits if shot in head the damage would be similar to that of a body shot
Adds Person icon to nearby Peds and a vehicle icon to those driving a vehicle around your current location
Using your Weaponised Vehicle Missile Lock-on this will shoot Better Missiles after a delay & Keep the target even after the last one is behind u or destroyed this will make your missiles shoot out the ass of your vehicle as well! (set by the value of this feature) 500 Delay, is not far from a legitimate looking missile fire from a distance. lower values will increase the fire rate to a point you will have rapid fire. These missile are that of the Ruiner 2000 with the circling around them tracking and rarely miss a target if they do not impact something else first. Patches the R* Nerf for MK2 Oppressors Making them OP once more & Enables less Retarded-ness Mk2 Air Combat
Set Mini map Locked to Current Coords or unlock it should it be locked by game
Specifically made for the "Rai-ju Cannon Upgrade" function, this will allow the improved cannons to work on other aircraft other than the Rai-ju. Specifically this is for a select few aircraft: B11 Strike-force, Rouge, Lazer, and Hydra
Prevents Re-spawn from Death by keeping you on the death screen until toggled off
Override Distance Thermal starts to fade
Enhanced Version this will Lock-on to the driver rather than Vehicle so if they were to eject/bail from vehicle before missile gets their vehicle the Enhanced Missile will lock onto their Ped for a nice Bail Fail! Using your Weaponised Vehicle Missile Lock-on this will shoot Better Missiles after a delay (set by the value of this feature) 500 Delay, is not far from a legitimate looking missile fire from a distance. lower values will increase the fire rate to a point you will have rapid fire. These missile are that of the Ruiner 2000 with the circling around them tracking and rarely miss a target if they do not impact something else first. Patches the R* Nerf for MK2 Oppressors Making them OP once more & Enables less Retarded-ness Mk2 Air Combat
Equip your Homing Launcher, Aim and wait for the Lock-on Square to turn Red (when using unlimited ammo clip lock-on can be a bright white) at this point shoot a missile and see another shoot along side it Destroying your Target or looping back around to hit them, Ruiner 2000 Class Missiles better Tracking of targets Improves the homing launcher to the point a MK2 Oppressor Can be taken out with ease on Foot!
Extends the Range of the Kosatka Guided Missiles & Removes the Cool Down
Check Script Version is Up To Date Without Downloading anything
Fonts are Indexed Based on your menu fonts, so this will also use your custom fonts
Features using Stats & Tuneables Cool Down Removal, Money Methods, Customise Stats
Disables the ability to turn VTOL Mode On (hover mode on Special Aircraft) VTOL Mode Can be Activated/DeActivated by having the landing gear down. Soon as landing gear is up (retracted) it will only disable once VTOL mode has be disengaged. Handy for people like me who use controller and are aggressively Pushing the control sticks trying to move beyond the controller abilities Makes it harder to accidentally holding down for too long end up in VTOL mode during Air Combat Which for me is annoying not to mention can end up losing the fight because of it.
Enables you to Block Being able to Set any Waypoint on Map, or unlock it where its normally disabled like inside an interior
This font is for the date time speed & fps info on the right hand side of the player-bar display. Again this Font is an Index Based on your menu fonts, so this will also use your custom fonts
For arena War Type Vehicles Tested works well on Vehicles with large wheels, more damage is applied to vehicles driven on with this activated
This selects the parts of the PlayerBar Background to change colour of
Version 2, uses a different Draw Method than that of the original, this version will always be drawn on top no matter what is on screen. Size (Value Modifier of this feature) is Text Scale of the selected Font Size
Detect when someone is Aiming at someone else and add that info to the Player Attributes Section Also Notifies you when you are being aimed at
Makes it so other players cannot Damage you!
Gives your Current Vehicle a Parachute if it does not already have one
PRECISE Zoom Level for Radar / MiniMap
Various Info on the Current Session
Sets your Ped so that you can not be shot while in any vehicle
Speed-up Re-spawn Time after Death
Homing Functions Below this, Can be set to Different Projectile types that can lock-on to a player or vehicle. This Setting Affects all Below except the Head-shot Aim Snipe.
Enable Thermal Vision Anywhere without scope or helmet
Filters Remove From Blacklist Entries in both Blacklists
| ++ | Hold Left Control + Left Shift Down and Press M Key to switch Mission Protection Settings on/off This will only turn the feature on and off the feature will do the rest when a mission is detected
Slow Motion 1: 0.6 | Slow Motion 2: 0.4 | Slow Motion 3: 0.2 | Normal: 1.0
2Take1 VIP Subscription Required! This will switch script host between players that are in god mode, to help others that could be either stuck loading or not loaded into session fully
Adds Flare Counter Measures to Any Vehicle activate and press: Controller: DPAD_RIGHT Keyboard Key: H This will fire 3 flares backwards (Behind you) so towards someone that is shooting a missile behind you!
Specifically made for the 'Any Vehicle Lock-on Missiles (Players)' function, this will prevent the targeting Features from turning off shooting Control and finding lock-on targets. Specifically this is for all aircraft Heli or Plane/Jet So you don't turn off a turning control and shoot instead of turn. Functionality Restored when in another vehicle
VIP Required!! Fast Arcade Earnings Money Method for self, No Need to be in your nightclub for this method, turn on and enjoy some fast cash, Don't Be retarded with its use! Few Million every now and then do some other stuff then you should be OK! just be casual with its use!
Change The Bomb Count on any Aircraft with Bomb Weapons Installed
VIP Required!! Fast Business Safe Earnings, Money Method for self, Requires Both Arcade to be setup and your Nightclub to be setup. Turn on and enjoy some fast cash, Don't Be retarded with its use! Few Million every now and then do some other stuff then you should be OK! just be casual with its use! over use could get you banned!
This will shoot a Locked On Ruiner 2000 Class Missile at the Ped/Vehicle you aim and shoot at
Specifically made for the "Any Vehicle Lock-on Missiles (Players)" function, this will prevent any Locking-on for your friends if any are in session with you. ** Having your Targeting preference to everyone would bypass this as the vehicle lock-on would probably trigger lock-on since this preference is not part of this script**
This Adjust the Font Scale (size multiplier)
Cleans the Session and does not give a fuck if anything is owned by another player! Worth not being in a vehicle yourself!
Makes Everyone Friendly then Disables Friendly Fire! Outcome: People can not shoot when aiming at you!
Attempts to teleport Session into a kill barrier
Sets Heat-scale Override value for your Ped
Detect when someone is spectating someone in session with a mod
Uses Game On Screen Mission Help/Floating Help Boxes at top left of screen to Show Notifications for some script functions. Sub-missile Launches use this and gives you an audible Ding Sound when Triggered, Outdated Files Triggered By Update Check will also do this.
Uses Game Subtitle/Mission Help to Render Information & Notifications for some script functions. God Mode Detection will display Player Name With God Status info Below. PlayerHistory more than 700 will show text to tell you to clear it for optimal performance.
Value is Delay between each shot, each cannon. This Feature Gives you the old Lazer Style Cannons, specifically designed for the F-160 Rai-ju
Add Custom Spam to Custom Save File, Remove from Custom Save File. Adjust Send Delay, Switch Chat Type
Spawns an attacker to kill them and removes them once dead
Override the Distance Thermal Fades Completely
Adds Heads Up Display Above god mode players Saying GOD & CUNT CrewTag
Allows you to select Current Vehicle Seat you are Sitting in
When Modify Water is Enabled this Adjusts the Water Radius
Hold Left Control + Left Shift Down then Press S Key and release to save
Please Check the Sub Menu there is a option to disable lock on to friends in session! (please Be Aware: InGame Setting Targeting Priority Set to Everyone will cause the vehicle lock-on to trigger on your friends which could then make them a target set like this!) Also you can set any player with the script player exclusion feature for the targeting function to ignore these players. This Feature Gives Any Vehicle Lock-on Missiles that specifically Targets Players even on foot Players as long as they are visible from your point of view and within distance of 500 units Missiles will lock-on & destroy them once the Fire Input is Pressed (This is a Replacement so will completely disable your ability to use the normal fire input should it be the same as this (top left trigger or whatever you shoot with a mk2). If no player is within range it will fall back to whatever the vehicle lock-on system has if it has one or just shoot Missiles Straight Ahead no lock-on.
This Feature Gives you Missiles from any Vehicle unlike the other Missile Features this does not lock-on to anything and will just shoot straight ahead of you much like the Weaponised Tampa
Download Latest Files Based on their Hash From GitHub anything not up-to-date will be replaced with Latest
Options Modifiers for Weapon Mods in this Section Missile Speed Modifier, Also Exclude Friends from Script Targeting Features, Disable Any Vehicle Lock-on for Jets + Heli
Adds an Invalid parachute to your current vehicle that can crash most if not all of the session when used!
VIP Required!! Fast Nightclub Earnings Money Method for self, No Need to be in your nightclub for this method, turn on and enjoy some fast cash, Don't Be retarded with its use! Few Million every now and then do some other stuff then you should be OK! Just be casual with its use! else you risk getting banned!
Fast Arcade Earnings Money Method for self, go to your Arcade office safe open it stand in the threshold of the doorway, turn on and enjoy some fast cash, periodically this will pause for a moment to allow pending transactions to clear, once clear Money in your wallet will be transferred into your bank! I found this to be slower in full sessions solo takes no time at all to clock up a few million! Again Remember not to use this Retarded and abuse/over use these features in such short periods of time! Few Million every now and then do some other stuff then you should be OK! Personally i turn it on for first 15mins when i get online after that just sell or resupply my businesses manually then go kill some noobs. No Issues for me with this kind of use account not had any warnings or suspension/ban.
**Feature Damage/Kill in Your Name!(Blamed). Turn on the value modifier is the amount of Damage applied with each shot! so once set just Aim at a Ped or Player, or a vehicle with either inside it, this will then shoot a heavy sniper bullet in addition to your own, only this one is targeted to hit the Skull (Head Shot). Works nicely aiming at a vehicle driving directly at you, not so much from behind but you will hit the vehicle, from the side is hit and miss depending on the vehicle/ Ped velocity
Value is Delay between each shot, each cannon. This Feature Gives you the old Lazer Style Cannons, specifically designed for the F-160 Rai-ju
Activate feat 2 times without changing the value to enter a value manually for 1.0 damage unit the calculation is this: 0.0333333333333333 * 30.0 = 1.0 0.50 = 15 damage (0.50 * 30.0) 5.0 = 150 The Rai-ju Weapon Damage per Bullet is only 30.0 so bare that in mind when using this if you want to look as legit as possible without being obvious, as it can make vehicles blow up instantly like a sub 1 shot and its gone"
Gives the session off the radar. Note: For people not registered as a CEO/VIP/MC it seems to only work for a very short period of time but anyone who has registered as a CEO/VIP/MC will get full time duration of Ghost Org.
When Modify Water is Enabled this Adjusts the Water Height
CEO Vehicle Cool-down Removal Toggle on to Never have a cool down or off to restore the default
ONLY WORKS IF THE AVENGER IS STORED INSIDE YOUR FACILITY! This will not work when its stored inside your Hanger!!! Teleports you into Your Avenger While it is inside your Facility. Please Be Aware use of Entity / session Clean-ups will cause this to not work and avenger no longer to be inside Facility
Layout of the Script Within the Menu
Local Features
Moist Script NG 3.0.x.x
Player Features
Weapon Features
Moist Weapon Mods
Moist Weapon Mods Options
Portable Defence Sphere
Weapon Related Functions
Teleport Features
Player Ped Features
Player Vehicle Features
Cargo Bob Mod
Moist's Train Mod
Online Features
Player History
Session Griefing
Session Kick Functions
Money Stats & Globals <- here <- Nightclub Vault money Methods
Moists Session Attributes
Chat Features
Chat Options
World Features
Atmospheric Lighting
Atmospheric Lighting Modifiers
Weather Functions
Alarm Zones (Local Only)
Game UI Enhancements
Radar Enhancements
Projectile Radar
Features Testing
Camera Functions
Entity Functions & Tools
Moist Script Loader
Moist Script Settings
Save Settings Options
Script Update Options
Moist Script HOTKEYS
Detections & Protections
Blacklist Module
Modder Flagging
Load Moist Script Modules
Custom Lists for Features
Online Features
Moist Script NG 3.0.x.x
Remove Player
Player Options
Spawn Options
Teleport Options
Player Vehicle Options
Player Info
Player IP Info
Troll & Annoy
Grief This Cunt
Grief Others (Frame Player)
Script Events
Player Pickups
Player Attributes
- json.lua
- kicks.ini
- MoistScript_Blacklist_Module.lua
- MoistScript_ESP_Module.lua
- MoistScript_FeatureValue_Saver.lua
- MoistScript_GTA_Natives.lua
- MoistScript_MoistBasics_Module.lua
- MoistScript_PlayerBar_Module.lua
- MoistScript_PlayerHistory_Module.lua
- MoistScript_ScriptLoader_Module.lua
- MoistScript_Translate_Module.lua
- MoistScript_Teleport_Module.lua
- Moist_InteriorLibs.lua
- MoistScript_ScriptTranslation.lua
- PedConfigFlags.lua
- pedlist.ini
- Recent_Spam_Chat_Text.txt
- vehlist.ini
- Zones.lua
- target.png
Ensure to Enable Trust Modes For:
- Globals
- Natives
Requires The Teleport Module to be loaded
Drench your ped like its raining heavily or you just come out of water
Random Function I found might cause different types of reactions towards you from NPC's around the map
Sets Ghosting to others this is also in one of the defence sphere options
Essentially God Mode but without Advertising that fact
(not outfit related makes your ped like a cop so you get ignored by cops get a cop cone on radar when wanted)
Select the Type of Pickup for your Cargo Bob
Strength of the magnet when picking things up, stronger should mean it can pickup heavier stuff
Radius around the Magnet the Magnetism will effect (Area the Magnet Pulls Stuff Towards the magnet) Big Area means More Stuff is going to be attracted to the magnet, Small Area means its going to be more precise, more local to the magnet itself so should avoid attracting a shit ton of stuff!
Adjusts The Rope Pull Amount: so if you pick something heavy up it would pull or stretch the rope or pull it out a bit, this sets how much it can pull out when lifting
Actual Length of the rope from which the magnet hangs down Below`**
This can cause shit to slam into you! this is the Strength Pulling you down towards the item being attracted.
Enables Spawning of Trains and turns on Control Meter and Controller Support to control trains
Controls are Controller based:
Left Trigger :: Reduce Cruise Speed or Speed negative (go backwards)
Right Trigger :: Increase Cruise Speed or Speed Forwards
Right Top Bumper/Trigger(Handbrake) :: Turns on Stop Train and sets all speeds to 0.0
Sets Trains enabled on other tracks (WIP) still figuring this one out
option 1 will try to stop train and low you to enter (WIP not working fully yet)
option 2 Enter nearest train if one found nearby
changes the direction spawned train is facing
23 variants can be spawned
Freight and Metro, Most of them are Freight Trains with Various Amount of Carriages.
Sets Train Cruise Speed When on, train will slowly increase speed until it hits set speed
Sets Train Speed Immediately
used with controller control tries to stop train
use this with Train Speed on to use controller input to set the speed
Be Warned:
This Control is Extremely sensitive so speeds are insane Slightest control movement and you are going 100x faster than any jet
Does as it says sets the train to a Derailed State while on
0.0 (No Turbulence)
1.0 (Very Turbulent)
Adjust drag on vehicle caused by aircraft
Adjust to bring the Radar Aircraft Height lines on the radar on foot or other vehicles that don’t use these
(extra rudders on the aircraft to control roll yaw and pitch see animations below)
Enables you to set & Refill your Aircraft Bombs
Change Possible Top Speed of Vehicle
Basically Bypasses Game Speed Restrictions on your Vehicle
Vehicle Becomes Near to God Mode without Detection Impossible to Visibly Damage it from impacts explosions etc
Override Current Vehicle Engine Audio List Populated from vehlist.ini default preset Chernobog
- Set Stat With Created Logo:
Adds a R* Created Logo at the start of the Text you input
- Set Stat With Verified Logo:
Adds a R* Verified Logo at the start of the Text you input
- String Stat Builder
GB_GANG_NAME :: Combines the 2 stats that makes up your CEO Organisation Name GB_OFFICE_NAME :: Combines the 2 stats that makes up your CEO Office MC_GANG_NAME :: Combines the 2 stats that makes up Motorcycle Club Name YACHT_NAME :: Combines the 2 stats that makes up Your Yacht Name (Completely Bypasses any Profanity Filters and can Accept Special Characters for R* Logos etc)
Nightclub Earnings Money Method for self
go to your nightclub office safe open it stand in the threshold of the doorway, turn on and enjoy some fast cash. VIP Method does not require you to even be anywhere near your nightclub can be done While other side of the map Killing Noobs. Non VIP Version will periodically pause for a moment to allow transactions to clear and transfer the money into your bank! I found this to be slower in full sessions solo takes no time at all to clock up a few million! Don’t Be retarded with its use! Few Million every now and then do some other stuff then you should be ok! I have done this for a few weeks got 3 bil in the bank now and no issues just be casual with its use!
This is Part of :
Any Vehicle Lock-on Missiles (Players)
Since My Targeting System Does not really care about who people are and locks on to the nearest player visible on screen or in line of sight, this will stop it Making a target of any friends or players with the script exclusion set on. This will also not target God Mode Players since it would locking to them if they were loading in and not spawned yet.
Another Part of :
Any Vehicle Lock-on Missiles (Players)
This will stop the weapons of an aircraft being taken over by the script Feature, since this disables the vehicle attack input and uses it to execute the features weapon can be annoying if u trying to shoot a player with Lazer cannons, this will disable it for these kinds of vehicle.
Like it states sets the actual speed the missiles in
Moist’s Weapon Mods
travel, each feature adds additional speed to the missiles taking consideration of the speed you are traveling so as not to shoot and end up being faster than the missile and colliding with it.
Specifically made for the new Raiju Cannons Upgrade feature, enabling this will allow this feature to work for some other select Aircraft. Currently i have added support for B11 Strikeforce, P-996 Lazer and the rouge. As with the Raiju it will increase and improve the default explosive miniguns on these aircraft assuming your current vehicle weapon is cannons and Missile or Bombs.
Extends the Range of the Submarine Guided Missiles, & Removes Any Cooldown Between Shots.
Improves the Remote Control Drone:
Terrorbyte Drone Only:
Removes Cooldown between uses
All Other Drones:
Removes Shock Recharge Time, Increases Forward Speed, Increases Range (Distance it can go without Exploding), Increases its Height Range. Do note that this feature has been known to Fuck The Sub Missiles making them explode on launch, most likely due to a game hash collision so avoid using this if you intend on using your sub missile launcher in the current session.
Removes Cooldown between activations and increases the Duration to a really long Duration.
unlimited is like Rapid Fire / No Reload Using a Homing Launcher you can lock-on and spam rockets without having to reload at all
Spawns the Gunvan you find around the map randomly close to your current location and adds the now missing and unpurchasable Railgun to the cans inventory, please note this van seems to only visible in your game remote players see nothing!.
Value Multiplier
< 0.00 | 20.00 >
Modifies The Explosion Radius of your Current Weapon if it has explosive ammo
setting this at 200 on a Homing launcher and you create an explosion the size of the city and take out a lot of players in the process !! Once this is set on a specific weapon its effect will stay on that weapon until you switch too it and set the area of effect back to at least 1.0
this will explode any weapon projectiles I have currently added still needs further testing as not all seem to work, mk2 missile wont get destroyed but likes of a Ruiner you shoot a missile it goes boom along with you. This will also explode players when they equip homing launcher, rpg firework launcher etc soon as they switch to it the missile in the chamber is detected and exploded.
Current Projectiles Added:
Better than the impact orbital strike in MoistScript 2.x.x.x Shots are more reliable & all Explosions are Orbital Explosions with Actual Orbital Sound and PTFX All Kills using this is like using the orbital cannon itself, players get Obliterated by you!
Shoot Additional Homing Missile at target your aiming at
Version Successor from the previous versions of this function. This will Replace the current weaponised vehicle lock-on missiles & replace them with Ruiner class missiles which have better tracking. This will also lock-on to the driver rather than Vehicle so if they were to eject/bail from vehicle before missile gets their vehicle they Bail Fail! and get killed! shots should look more legit 800 delay or more.
Shoots a missile in a static forward direction without target lock-on from the front of any vehicle
Selectable Weapon you would like to use in addition to the Raiju Default
Designed to make the Raiju Explosive MG Like the Original Lazer Cannons, this feature makes this jet Over Powered and a Number One Griefing Tool! Stealth Attacks are quick and easy with this enabled! Only Works with the Raiju Jet!
Adjustable Modifier Value to increase the damage caused by the Cannons Upgrade Feature.
Selectable Bomb Types, this feature only works while your Raiju is in stealth Mode! uses the same fire control as the Jet Cannons
Custom Missile System Designed by myself for Player lock on Targeting for missiles in any vehicle. For vehicles already equipped with lock-on missiles it will utilise both my targeting and the vehicle targeting to find a target, if no nearby player is targetable it will use the vehicle lock on targeting to give you another target useful for the need to kill NPC’s. This Feature is designed to target players even on foot as long as they are in front of you they get a lock on.
Shoots additional Lock-on Missiles at locked on target, this version Keeps the last Target and shoots missiles locked onto the target even if the target is not visible on screen (its behind you for instance) this will cause your missiles to shoot at any direction. Your Vehicle is safe using this as you can not damage your vehicle with them.
Shoots an additional Ruiner Missile at the target locked onto via your homing launcher.
Will Adjust all values below to this one if you just activate the option and value has not changed Input box will popup so you can set this manually
Specifically Targets Player Vehicles, do note that if you make a defence sphere and go too far away from it the vehicle detected will probably get missed due to long distance vehicles not detected far away the actual position of the player detected would be incorrect.
Improved Since Last Release: Player in any vehicle goes in sphere they get Destroyed WIP needs some tweaking maybe a little over the top Anti Player Ped does same as above only they don’t need to be in any vehicle
Should prevent projectiles and weapons fire in the sphere has been said in game that people were unable to use some weapons like Lazer cannons but this also can be effected by zone flag settings below
Same as The Above "Anti Player Ped", only the location of it can be set manually to anywhere on the map you can place a waypoint!
< Self off | Others off | Self on | Others on>
turns Defence zone flags on / off depending on option for players
This will literally remove any Yacht Defences set seems to also partially work for player yachts cant shoot in the area but does not take you out Updated this to a loop function so defence sphere does not get re-enabled.
This is a little work around for forcing script host without the need for having a VIP Subscription. Might not be as instant as the menus version but its a fairly good work around to do same thing.
This is a little work around for forcing script host without the need for having a VIP Subscription. Might not be as instant as the menus version but its a fairly good work around to do same thing.
- Micheal Error Kick
- Script Kick
- Random Script event spam
- Script Event (Modifier value and amount useable is dependable on your kicks.ini
- Script Event < Vector Method | Stat Method | Moist Method | Bit Method >
- Script Event v2.0 < Vector Method | Stat Method | Moist Method | Bit Method >
- Script Event v3.0 < Vector Method | Stat Method | Moist Method | Bit Method >
- Parachute Model Crash
- Lester Cummy WindSock Crash (This will almost Certainly Kill The Entire Session!)
- Use Ruiner Crash
- Test Crash (Teleports Player to Kill Barrier and trys force their character to Control Their Veichle with crashy values)
Custom Lists for Features
- Ped List
- Vehicle List Load PlayerHistory Module
Load PlayerBar Module
Load Translation Module
Load ESP Module
Load Script Loader Module
Load Teleport Module
Load Blacklist Module
This is a custom list of peds (NPC's) with a few as a default example. This list you can add your own prefer or favorite character Peds in game so the features that support it can use these to spawn those peds to do the task a feature might do with them.
Like the Ped list this can be used for adding a select set of vehicles you use or like for features enabled for these
Player History similar to what the menu has now but with more features.
Scid Selection can clicked to copy SCID to clipboard
Auto Stalk their SCID (Auto join them when not in your session until toggle off)
IP Info click to update the feature selection to show all the ip info and copy the IPv4 Address to Clipboard
Add & Remove them from the Blacklist Module (See Below)
Temporary Blacklist Them via SCID IP or Name this works only while they have this toggled on until you restart or reset state
Adds a Custom Bar Across the very top of the game screen with Players Names that are in session with Information via: Tags & Colours
There are 2 versions now, normal game ui rendering version or V2 Playerbar which is scriptdraw and will render on top of any game component pause menu and even loading screens.
Version 2 Playerbar the bar can be colour designed by yourself using the feature options and have it fade from corner to corner with a different colour. I Recommend having some transparency to it (alpha) as like i explained above it draws on top of everything so it can cover parts of social club overlay (Home Key Drop Down) see image below
As of the translation feature has been completely re-written.
in Moistscript Settings you will find a section called Moistscript Translation options enter this section and click create translation files.
(Screenshot at bottom of this page)
Should translation files already exist they will be loaded and an updated file created with any added features since your file was created.
Translation Files are located in the MoistFiles folder within the scripts folder:
- TranslationFeatures.ini
- TranslationHints.ini
Features Example
GetInfo=Get Info
countryCode=Country Code:
SaveCoords=Save Players Current POS to file
FuelLeak=Players Vehicle Leaks Fuel
Hint Example
LockedOnTroll=Triggers Vehicle being locked onto audio alert for that player
Lester_Khanjli=Send 2x Lesters in a Khanjali Tank to grief them
Has_Spawned_Net=Shows if you Received the Ped Spawned Network Event from this Player
1 Line = 1 Feature / 1 Hint
Break the line up as Below:
Part A
= Part B
Part B
This part as indicated above which is the text to the right of the equals
sign is the part to edit change this text to your translation.
This is the variable used within the script which tells the translation feature what its going to translate! Changing it would Break your Translation!
Checks have been put in place to avoid trying to change stuff that dont exist to prevent crashing yourself so anything with Part A that is not Exactly the same as written in the script code will be completely ignored.
- Ensure it is saved and in the MoistFiles directory within your scripts folder!
- Open the script settings and enter the script translation options section
- Simply click load translation to update the script with the translation (Screenshot Below)