semver-cli is an application that eases the creation of tags and releases during CI. semver cli is written in go using cobra.
# Get the latest tag found in the repository (local & remote)
$ semver-cli tags list --latest
# Output the tag on minor changes
$ semver-cli tags bump --type minor --prefix v --dry-run
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
- MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
- MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and
- PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.
$ semver-cli tags bump -h
Funcitionality to identify and/or create the next tag in relation to semver conventions
semver-cli tags bump [flags]
-d, --dry-run Outputs the next determined version without creating it
-h, --help help for bump
-p, --prefix string The prefix for tagging e.g. 'v'
-r, --release-branches string Comma seperated list of release branches. When command is executed on a non-release branch, a pre-release version is created' (default "main,master")
-t, --type string Type of commit, e.g. 'major', 'minor' or 'patch'
go get -d -v ./...
go install -v ./...
go build