Two mid-cochlea datasets at the spatial resolution of 12 × 12 × 50
Two training datasets, each consisting of 1536 × 1536 × 100 voxels.
The model was based on the residual 3D U-Net architecture (Lee et al., 2017). The model code can be downloaded by pytorch_connectomics.
python -u --config-base configs/MitoEM/MitoEM-R-Base.yaml --config-file configs/MitoEM/MitoEM-R-BC.yaml
Model parameter: Weight (latest)
python -u --config-base configs/MitoEM/MitoEM-R-Base.yaml --config-file configs/MitoEM/MitoEM-R-BC.yaml --inference --checkpoint datasets/output/checkpoint_200000.pth.tar
The volume of mitochondria is the sum of voxels. ANF-associated mitochondria were divided into super voxels with a unit volume of (0.07
Lee, K., Zung, J., Li, P.H., Jain, V., and Seung, H.S. (2017). Superhuman Accuracy on the SNEMI3D Connectomics Challenge. ArXiv abs/1706.00120.
Wei, D., Lin, Z., Franco-Barranco, D., Wendt, N., Liu, X., Yin, W., Huang, X., Gupta, A., Jang, WD., Wang, X., Arganda-Carreras, I., Lichtman, JW., and Pfister, H. (2020). MitoEM Dataset: Large-scale 3D Mitochondria Instance Segmentation from EM Images. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv. 12265: 66-76.
Lin, Z., Wei, D., Lichtman, J.W., & Pfister, H. (2021). PyTorch Connectomics: A Scalable and Flexible Segmentation Framework for EM Connectomics. ArXiv, abs/2112.05754.
For a detailed description, please read this paper. If you use the method in your research, please cite:
Lu, Y., Jiang, Y., Wang, F. et al. Electron Microscopic Mapping of Mitochondrial Morphology in the Cochlear Nerve Fibers. JARO 25, 341–354 (2024).