This repository is separated from "Lunatea".
A minecraft datapack that made Wind Ring in game.
It is currently only available by commands
Wind ring:
/give @s minecraft:crossbow{CustomModelData:101,display:{Name:'{"text":"Wind Ring","italic": false,"color":"gold"}'},HideFlags:5, Unbreakable:1,Enchantments:[{id:"quick_charge",lvl:4}],windring:1}
Leorina's ring:
/give @s minecraft:crossbow{CustomModelData:102,display:{Name:'{"text":"Leorina's Ring","italic": false,"color":"gold"}'},HideFlags:5, Unbreakable:1,Enchantments:[{id:"quick_charge",lvl:4}],windring:2}
The ring use spectral arrow to launch, and will cost you some experence levels (Wind ring: -3, Leorina's ring: -4). If your level is below the required level, the ring will do some damage to player, and cost some experence points. Of course, you can modify it in the source code, right?