Simple adaptive timestep particle swarm optimizer written in Python. Now featuring AntennaCAT hooks for GUI integration and user input handling
This repo is used as a template for the AntennaCAT internal optimizer set.
- Particle Swarm Optimization
- Requirements
- Implementation
- Example Implementations
- References
- Publications and Integration
- Licensing
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a popular nature-inspired optimization algorithm introduced in "Particle Swarm Optimization" [1] (J. Kennedy & R. Eberhart, 1995). It is inspired by the social behavior animal groups, often compared to birds flocking or fish schooling. PSO is used to find approximate solutions to complex optimization problems.
PSO consists of a population (or swarm) of candidate solutions called particles. Each particle moves through the search space, influenced by its own best-known position and the best-known positions of the swarm. The algorithm combines exploration and exploitation to find the optimal solution.
This project requires numpy and matplotlib.
Use 'pip install -r requirements.txt' to install the following dependencies:
This particle swarm optimizers uses the mean absolute deviation of particle position as an adjustment to the time step, to prevent the particle overshoot problem. This particle distribution is initialized to one when the swarm starts, so that the impact is boundary independent.
Users must create their own constraint function for their problems, if there are constraints beyond the problem bounds. This is then passed into the constructor. If the default constraint function is used, it always returns true (which means there are no constraints).
This PSO optimizer has 4 different types of bounds, Random (Particles that leave the area respawn), Reflection (Particles that hit the bounds reflect), Absorb (Particles that hit the bounds lose velocity in that direction), Invisible (Out of bound particles are no longer evaluated).
Some updates have not incorporated appropriate handling for all boundary conditions. This bug is known and is being worked on. The most consistent boundary type at the moment is Random. If constraints are violated, but bounds are not, currently random bound rules are used to deal with this problem.
The no preference method of multi-objective optimization, but a Pareto Front is not calculated. Instead, the best choice (smallest norm of output vectors) is listed as the output.
The optimizer minimizes the absolute value of the difference from the target outputs and the evaluated outputs. Future versions may include options for function minimization absent target values.
There are three functions included in the repository:
- Himmelblau's function, which takes 2 inputs and has 1 output
- A multi-objective function with 3 inputs and 2 outputs (see lundquist_3_var)
- A single-objective function with 1 input and 1 output (see one_dim_x_test)
Each function has four files in a directory:
- - contains imports for the objective function and constraints, CONSTANT assignments for functions and labeling, boundary ranges, the number of input variables, the number of output values, and the target values for the output
- - contains a function with the problem constraints, both for the function and for error handling in the case of under/overflow.
- - contains a function with the objective function.
- - contains a script to graph the function for visualization.
Other multi-objective functions can be applied to this project by following the same format (and several have been collected into a compatible library, and will be released in a separate repo)
Plotted Himmelblau’s Function with 3D Plot on the Left, and a 2D Contour on the Right
Global Minima | Boundary | Constraints |
f(3, 2) = 0 | ||
f(-2.805118, 3.121212) = 0 | ||
f(-3.779310, -3.283186) = 0 | ||
f(3.584428, -1.848126) = 0 |
Plotted Multi-Objective Function Feasible Decision Space and Objective Space with Pareto Front
Num. Input Variables | Boundary | Constraints |
3 |
Plotted Single Input, Single-objective Function Feasible Decision Space and Objective Space with Pareto Front
Num. Input Variables | Boundary | Constraints |
1 |
Local minima at
Global minima at provides a sample use case of the optimizer. provides an example using a parent class, and the self.suppress_output and detailedWarnings flags to control error messages that are passed back to the parent class to be printed with a timestamp. This implementation sets up the hooks for integration with AntennaCAT in order to provide the user feedback of warnings and errors. provides an example using a parent class, and the self.suppress_output and detailedWarnings flags to control error messages that are passed back to the parent class to be printed with a timestamp. Additionally, a realtime graph shows particle locations at every step.
NOTE: if you close the graph as the code is running, the code will continue to run, but the graph will not re-open.
[1] J. Kennedy and R. Eberhart, "Particle swarm optimization," Proceedings of ICNN'95 - International Conference on Neural Networks, Perth, WA, Australia, 1995, pp. 1942-1948 vol.4, doi: 10.1109/ICNN.1995.488968.
This software works as a stand-alone implementation, and as one of the optimizers integrated into AntennaCAT.
Publications featuring the code in this repo will be added as they become public.
The code in this repository has been released under GPL-2.0