Planning this SSURGO repo. This is a learning repo on basics of Git, Python, Virtual Environments, Spatial Data, ArcGIS, QGIS, PostgreSQL, Geoserver, webmaps.
link to download STATSGO, NATSGO, and SSURGO in ESRI geodatabase format
git clone
Need to setup venv (Python 3.9) - previous Python version, as 3.10 does not support Pandas in a full might yet (June 2022).
py -m virtualenv -p="[PATH to your Python 3.9]" "[PATH-to-your-repo-folder]\soils-ssurgo\.venv39"
activate environment
install requirements from requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
create your branch
git checkout -b mywork
Do coding/data prep work as assigned in Landviser.XYZ portal (eventually we might utilize Issues and Projects tabs here to work on GIS analytic and soft development projects. When finished one task - PUSH to repo and submit pull request.
When pushing a branch first time
git push --set-upstream origin mywork
after that you can just
git push origin
and changes from local will be pushed to YOUR branch on remote (GitHub, this repo). When finished with an assignment - submit PULL request here on GitHub. Someone from the team will jump in and review/approve/merge.
That will merge your changes to the MASTER and your branch will be deleted.
For the next task always pull fresh copy from the GitHub repo MASTER branch
git pull origin
create another branch from master and repeat the above
- commit and push often, at least at the end of the day! - for safekeeping of your work
- submit PULL request when finished the step in development/data prep
SSURGO # folder structure of soil data per county downloaded and unzipped (in Future - move the prelim downloaded and unzipped data to the cloud (there is a limit to GitHub repo size) - GDrive, A2 PostgreSQL, doing download/unzip/process on the fly?, paid solution?)
data_in #client data and sample report/workflows
data_out #intermediate files as a result of scripts in this repo
py #python code and Jupyter Notebooks
references # supplemental information about SSURGO dbase
download and extract SSURGO files per county - write JP notebook in py/
how to put those to GDrive?
script to extract and summarize soil properties to mukey - multilevel weighted everages
combine several counties spatial/tabular
merge spatial/tabular
push layer to AGOL (how to use ArcGIS Pro env?) / create REST API at our hosting?
- setting up venv for specific Python version:
py -0
#lists all Pythons on Windows PC
Need to setup venv (Python 3.9) - previous Python version, as 3.10 does not support Pandas in a full might yet (June 2022).
py -m virtualenv -p="C:\Python\py39\python.exe" "C:\c_repos\soils-ssurgo\.venv39"
Activate the environment and install modules
pip install pandas
Create .gitignore and add path to venv there (i.e. type there ".venv39")
Create requirements.txt for this repo with the enviroment packages installed
python freeze > requirements.txt