A plugin for RuneLite which remembers the contents of your bank and displays that in a searchable interface.
- Remembers the bank contents of all your accounts
- Current bank saves - linked to an account and automatically update as your bank contents changes
- Snapshot bank saves - a snapshot of what your bank was at a specific time
- View any of your bank saves at any time
- Quickly search the contents of your banks
- Compare two banks saves to see the difference in items and value
- Easily export item data
NB: You must log in to an account and open the bank for the plugin to be able to actually get the data.
- v1.3.0
- Added item tooltip in inventory stating how many of that item you have stored in your bank (thank you, Fiffers)
- Updated for new Runelite APIs (thank you, YvesW)
- Bug fix - Now works if you log in with a Jagex account
- v1.2.0
- Add ability to export bank item data in TSV format (Hint: right click to open context menu)
- Filter out null items from item lists
- Filter out bank filler from item lists
- v1.1.2
- Updated to work with new RuneLite APIs (thank you, Septem151)
- v1.1.1
- Bug fix - Stop current bank panel sometimes being reset and left blank
- v1.1
- Separate current bank saves for regular worlds, League worlds, Tournament (Unrestricted) worlds, and Deadman Mode worlds.
- Display total Grand Exchange value and High Alch value of bank saves (and the difference when comparing 2 banks saves)
- v1.0
- Initial release