SimpleMethod library for OV2640 camera on STM32 platform forked and adapted to capture RAW pictures and display on ILI9486.
- 160X120px,
- 320X240px,
- 640X480px,
- 800x600px,
- 1024x768px,
- 1280x960px,
- brightness,
- saturation,
- contrast,
- light mode,
- special effect such as: antique, bluish, greenish, reddish, black & white style, negative, Negative with black & white style and normal view.
Support for libjpeg library. Branch with example:
Code optimization, now requires 10 times less space in buffer than before!
The maximum size of the data buffer is 65535 bytes and this is also the maximum size of a single DCMI read. For higher resolutions, you must use the circular buffer and write own implementation in HAL_DCMI_IRQHandler. XCLX is actually the clock output from the MCU (RCC_MCO_1). The minimum speed is around 27MHz, but as high as possible is recommended for correct functioning.
DCMI | Slave 8 bits External Synchro | DCMI_D0 | PC6 |
DCMI | Slave 8 bits External Synchro | DCMI_D1 | PC7 |
DCMI | Slave 8 bits External Synchro | DCMI_D2 | PC8 |
DCMI | Slave 8 bits External Synchro | DCMI_D3 | PC9 |
DCMI | Slave 8 bits External Synchro | DCMI_D4 | PE4 |
DCMI | Slave 8 bits External Synchro | DCMI_D5 | PD3 |
DCMI | Slave 8 bits External Synchro | DCMI_D6 | PE5 |
DCMI | Slave 8 bits External Synchro | DCMI_D7 | PE6 |
DCMI | Slave 8 bits External Synchro | DCMI_HSYNC | PA4 |
DCMI | Slave 8 bits External Synchro | DCMI_PIXCLK | PA6 |
DCMI | Slave 8 bits External Synchro | DCMI_VSYNC | PG9 |
I2C1 | I2C | I2C1_SCL | PB8 |
I2C1 | I2C | I2C1_SDA | PB9 |
RCC | BYPASS Clock Source | RCC_OSC_IN | PH0/OSC_IN |
RCC | Crystal/Ceramic Resonator | RCC_OSC32_IN | PC14/OSC32_IN |
RCC | Crystal/Ceramic Resonator | RCC_OSC32_OUT | PC15/OSC32_OUT |
RCC | Clock-out-1 | RCC_MCO_1 (DCMI_XCLX) | PA8 |
SYS | Serial Wire | SYS_JTCK-SWCLK | PA14 |
SYS | Serial Wire | SYS_JTMS-SWDIO | PA13 |
SYS | SysTick | SYS_VS_Systick | VP_SYS_VS_Systick |
USART3 | Asynchronous | USART3_RX | PD9 |
USART3 | Asynchronous | USART3_TX | PD8 |
GPIO | Output | CAMERA_RESET | PG0 |
GPIO | Output | CAMERA_PWDN | PG1 |
GPIO | EXTI13 | USER_Btn | PC13 |
Pixel clock polarity | Active on Rising edge |
Vertical synchronization polarity | Active Low |
Horizontal synchronization polarity | Active Low |
Frequency of frame capture | All frames are captured |
JPEG mode | Enabled |
I2C Speed Mode | Standard Mode |
I2C Speed Frequency (KHz) | 100 |
Rise Time (ns) | 0 |
Fall Time (ns) | 0 |
Coefficient of Digital Filter | 0 |
Analog Filter | 0 |
Timing | 0x1060669A |
Clock No Stretch Mode | Disabled |
General Call Address Detection | Disabled |
Primary Address Length selection | 7-bit |
Primary slave address | 0 |
Baud Rate | 115200 |
Word Length | 8 Bits(including Parity) |
Parity | None |
Stop Bits | 1 |
Coefficient of Digital Filter | 0 |
Data Direction | Receive and Transmit |
Over Sampling | 16 Samples |
Single Sample | Disable |
Auto Baudrate | Disable |
TX Pin Active Level Inversion | Disable |
RX Pin Active Level Inversion | Disable |
Data Inversion | Disable |
TX and RX Pins | Swapping |
Overrun | Enable |
DMA on RX Error | Enable |
MSB First | Disable |
DMA request | Stream | Direction | Priority |
DCMI | DMA2_Stream1 | PeripheralTo Memory | Very High |
USART3_TX | DMA1_Stream3 | Memory To Peripheral | Very High |
Mode | Circular |
Use fifo | Enable |
FIFO Threshold | Full |
Peripheral Increment | Disable |
Memory Increment | Enable |
Peripheral Data Width | Word |
Memory Data Width | Byte |
Peripheral Burst Size | Single |
Memory Burst Size | Single |
Mode | Normal |
Use fifo | Enable |
FIFO Threshold | Full |
Peripheral Increment | Disable |
Memory Increment | Enable |
Peripheral Data Width | Byte |
Memory Data Width | Byte |
Peripheral Burst Size | Single |
Memory Burst Size | Single |
Interrupt Table | Enable | Preenmption Priority | SubPriority |
Non maskable interrupt | true | 0 | 0 |
Hard fault interrupt | true | 0 | 0 |
Memory management fault | true | 0 | 0 |
Pre-fetch fault, memory access fault | true | 0 | 0 |
Undefined instruction or illegal state | true | 0 | 0 |
System service call via SWI instruction | true | 0 | 0 |
Debug monitor | true | 0 | 0 |
Pendable request for system service | true | 0 | 0 |
System tick timer | true | 0 | 0 |
DMA1 stream3 global interrupt | true | 0 | 0 |
USART3 global interrupt | true | 0 | 0 |
DMA2 stream1 global interrupt | true | 0 | 0 |
DCMI global interrupt | true | 0 | 0 |
PVD interrupt through EXTI line 16 | unused | ||
Flash global interrupt | unused | ||
RCC global interrupt | unused | ||
I2C1 event interrupt | unused | ||
I2C1 error interrupt | unused | ||
EXTI line[15:10]interrupts | unused | ||
FPU global interrupt | unused |
5. Open the hexadecimal editor. The example uses and copy the data from the data dump.
You need to make sure that:
- Using short connection wires , less than 10 cm (3.93 inches) - This is very, very, very important!,
- All wires are properly connected,
- Have a high enough clock speed for the MCU,
Use 320x240px resolution for testing - it always works :-)