This project was developed with the aim of automating the capture of "signals" available in the DonnyPlay paid group but it is currently on "hold" due to Tesseract's inability to properly read certain characters
This project uses Python 3.11.2
Make sure to install pip after installing python with the command python -m ensurepip --upgrade
Install Virtualenv with pip install virtualenv
After finishing the installation, open a cmd on the project's root folder and run virtualenv venv
Activate the recently created virtualenv venv/Scripts/activate
Now install the dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt
Tesseract is an OCR tool that will take care of reading the content that is displayed on the screen and the images the project captures on the fly.
Make sure to install Tesseract on your operating system by clicking here
After installing tesseract, make sure it's .exe path corresponds to the one present in -> tesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd
Type python
on the console to run the project