This is a demo Python application with web-scrapping/crawler, Kafka, couchdb and SparkML using the famous Movielens dataset. The used environment for it was Raspberry Pi Cluster with Hadoop, Spark and other technologies.
In this project you will find two pipelines:
The Recommendation Pipeline: That is the standard movies recommendation example using the MovieLens databse with Spark ML.
The Budget Prediction Pipeline: That uses the links.csv file to crawl additional data from movies into the IMDB website as Directors, Budget Value, etc. In this pipeline you will find:
- A python scrapper that collect these data from the IMDB website and store each message into a Kafka queue, with the following format:
{'Director': 'Hiner Saleem', 'Writers': 'Hiner Saleem,Antoine Lacomblez', 'Reviews': '14', 'Critic': '37', 'Country': 'Iraq|France|Germany', 'Language': 'Kurdish|Arabic|Turkish', 'BudgetCurrency': 'EUR', 'BudgetValue': '2,600,000', 'Runtime': '100', 'Actors': '', 'IdMovie': '127244', 'IdIMDB': '2875926', 'GrossCurrency': 'NA', 'GrossValue': 0, 'OpeningWeekendCurrency': 'NA', 'OpeningWeekendValue': 0}
- A Kafka consumer that sink the data into a CouchDB database (python script);
- A Spark process that consume these data to apply a data preparation and create an ABT (Analytical Base Table);
- A Spark ML pipeline to training the models GBTRegressor, RandomForestRegressor, DecisionTreeRegressor for comparison.
- Example in how to expose a Spark model as a REST API, in this case using Spark itself to generate the reponses;
Important: All the used references as support are mentioned in the presentation (ppt folder)
You can download it here.
The API is using Spark to generate the predictions, so it needs to run a spark-submit.
- You can find more details in this very good example, that was used as baseline: Building a Movie Recommendation Service with Apache Spark & Flask - Part 2
How to execute:
spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode client --num-executors 3