Random simple website ideas I decided to make for no real reason besides for the fun of it, or I thought it would be funny at the time. No frameworks or anything, just plain old HTML, CSS, and JS. No backend for anything either.
Visit the project list here: https://michaellesirge.github.io/simple-web-projects
- fancy-effects🎨⭐
- rock-paper-scissors-battle🪨📃✂️
- pid-demo🤖⚙️
- text-changer🌀🔤
- conway 🧬🎮
- chess♟️🎯
- tetris🕹️🧩
- roman-numerals🔢🏛️
- customisable-dice-roller🎲🛠️ (incomplete)
- happy-holiday-eve🎉🎄
- xbox-diagram-maker🎮🖨️
- dont-leave🚪😅
Also: tic-tac-toe❌⭕ from https://github.com/michael-lesirge/tic-tac-toe.