Build a fleet-management system (bus-booking system) Having:
1- Egypt cities as stations [Cairo, Giza, AlFayyum, AlMinya, Asyut...]
2- Predefined trips between 2 stations that cross over in-between stations. ex: Cairo to Asyut trip that crosses over AlFayyum -firstly- then AlMinya.
3- Bus for each trip, each bus has 12 available seats to be booked by users, each seat has an unique id.
4- Users can book an available trip seat.
For example, we have Cairo-Asyut trip that crosses over AlFayyum -firstly- then AlMinya: any user can book a seat for any of these criteria:
(Cairo to AlFayyum)
(Cairo to AlMinya)
(Cairo to Asyut)
(AlFayyum to AlMinya)
(AlFayyum to Asyut) or
(AlMinya to Asyut):
- if there is an available seat, taking into consideration if the bus is full from Cairo to AlMinya, the user cannot book any seat from AlFayyum but he can book from AlMinya.
We require the following:
Implement a solution for this case using a Relational-Database and Laravel web app that provides 2 APIs for any consumer(ex: web app, mobile app,...)
● User can book a seat if there is an available seat.
● User can get a list of available seats to be booked for his trip by sending start and end stations.
** Bonus: Implement proper unit tests are available.
Simply this app support laravel Sail where it is delivered as docker container
Just Follow the steps
install laravel package using
docker compose up composer
run the containers using
vendor/bin/sail up -d
vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate:refresh
data seeds (initial trip, but, and auth clients)
vendor/bin/sail artisan db:seed
Now You can Use the Postman Collection to check the apis, find it at:
docker compose up install_frontend
docker compose up build_frontend
vendor/bin/sail artisan test
login as admin from here
password: 123456