Version 3.1.0
- Manual pattern selection on version 2 hardware using the rotary encoder now works as expected.
- Changing postprocessing mode on version 2 hardware using the rotary encoder button now works as expected.
Feature Changes/Additions
- The maximum selectable smoothing value is now 225, up from 175.
- The Audiolux web app is now viewable at the URL HOSTNAME.local (defaults to audiolux.local)
- When the macro "SD_LOADER" is defined in webserver.h, the web app now loads from an attached SD card. See the wiki for pin assignments.
Dependency Changes
- Ai ESP32 Rotary Encoder (1.6)
- ArduinoJson (7.1.0)
- AsyncTCP (1.1.4)
- ESP Async WebServer (1.2.3)
- FastLED (3.7.0)
- ArduinoFFT (2.0.2)
- ESP32 Board Library (2.0.17)
There is currently an incompatibility with current version of the ES32 Board Library and FastLED, preventing an update to the board library at this time.
Known Issues
- Slow connection to the mDNS address (HOSTNAME.local), causing slow webpage updates on pattern loading and first page load, for example.