Microtus is a fork of the original minestom.
Our projects get names of animals but in latin.
Discord for discussion: OneLiteFeather.net
- Include patches from open pull requests on minestom repository
- Fixes issues from original minestom repository
- Make useful decisions
- Include new features
- Try to stay updated with original minecraft cycle
- Release cycle of we often we can (weekly, monthly, etc.) with a changelog, and it needed for the community
For details how you can contribute to the project please read our Contributing.
Since 23.07.2023 we are now official on the maven central for releases and snapshots.
To use Microtus in your projects you need:
Please replace the <version>
with the right one. You can find the versions here: Central
For example: 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT+9284d26
repositories {
dependencies {
Please replace the <version>
with the right one. You can find the versions here: Central
For example: 1.1.0
dependencies {
Read more about here: https://docs.github.com/en/packages/working-with-a-github-packages-registry/working-with-the-gradle-registry
pluginManagement {
repositories {
maven("https://maven.pkg.github.com/OneLiteFeatherNET/Microtus") {
credentials {
username = "Your username"
password = "your github token"
plugins {
id("net.onelitefeather.microtus.extension") version "0.0.1"
dependencies {
extensionLibrary("com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-kotlin:2.15.2") // Use the external dependencies function from minestom
extension {
authors = listOf("TheMeinerLP")
entrypoint = "net.onelitefeather.microtus.extension.ProjectEntry"
// dependencies = listOf("LuckPerms") // To generate dependencies
// version = "1.0.0" // Normally its use the project version
// name = "Example" // Normally its use the project name
// External dependencies are handled via `extensionLibrary("String")` from gradle
YourKit, makers of the outstanding java profiler, support open source projects of all kinds with their full featured Java and .NET application profilers. We thank them for granting Microtus an OSS license so that we can make our software the best it can be.
We are proud to announce that we are supported by Cloudflare's Project Alexandria sponsorship program. We would not be able to operate without their help! 💖