A program for exploring the Mandelbrot fractal. You can select the area where to zoom in with a mouse and move around with WASD keys.
The program splits the current view into small chunks, calculates Mandelbrot and if iteration counts in neighbouring chunks differ it will split those chunks and recalculate them.
With Ubuntu or other similar distros install libsdl2-dev and compile:
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev
You can check launch options by executing the program with -h
Key | Action |
WASD | Move around |
Mouse 1 | Select an area to zoom in * |
Mouse 2 | Go back to the previous selection |
O | Save current view in to a BMP file |
P | Print chunk info |
R | Recalculate current view |
Space | Show chunks top-left corner |
Numpad + | Increase the number of iterations ** |
Numpad - | Decrease the number of iterations ** |
* Use ctrl to disable aspect ratio forcing
** Use modifiers keys change iterations easier: ctrl by 10, ctrl+shift by 100, ctrl+alt by 1000.