My dotfile organization repository! Contains config files for my current openbox setup. This is currently working in majaro, but I assume it should work (with modification) on other distros.
- screenshots
- packages
- Decor
- keybinding
- App
- Terminal
- openbox
- Wallpaper
- font
- terminal
sudo pacman -S otf-hermit
mod + Q : quit
mod + -> / mod + <- / ^ : window shift
mod + z : minimize
mod + x : maximize
alt + tab : switch tab
mod + alt + -> : switch workspace
alt + space : window_option
mod + T : terminal
mod + space : launcher
mod + enter :
mod + D : Desktop
mod + B : Browser
mod + O : Screen_Shot
mod + F : File Manager
- ScrrenBrightness : screendimmer
- terminal : kitty
- IDE : Sublime
- Image Viewr : sxiv
- File Manager : thunar
- browser : chromium,min,firefox
- Doc Viewer : zathura
- screenshot : scrot
- Mail : MailSpring
- Feed : NewFlash
sudo pacman -S kitty sxiv thunar chromium min firefox scrot zathura-pdf-poppler
# Kitty theme
git clone --depth 1 ~/.config/kitty/kitty-themes
cd ~/.config/kitty
ln -s ./kitty-themes/themes/Floraverse.conf ~/.config/kitty/theme.conf
echo "include ./theme.conf" >> kitty.conf
- change ff->hermit fs-> 13
- youtube-dl
- asciinema
- bat
- micro
- glow
- cmus
- bsd-games
- rip-grep
- fd
- fzy
- tree
- tmux
- ranger
- yay
- tldr
- ufetch
- node
sudo pacman -S asciinema bat micro glow rip-grep fd fzy tree tmux ranger tldr ufetch yay
# ufetch
mkdir ~/.pscript
cd ~/.pscript
git clone
chmod +x
echo "~/.pscript/" >> ~/.zshrc
paste into ~/.zshrc
alias l="tree -L 1"
alias m="micro"
alias show="bat"
# conf
alias zshC="micro ~/.zshrc"
alias openboxC="micro ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml"
alias rofiC="micro ~/.config/rofi/"
alias kittyC="micro ~/.config/kitty/kitty.config"
# wifi
alias getwifi="nmcli d wifi list"
alias setwifi="nmcli c up" #setwifi <name> --ask
source ~/.zshrc
- tint2
- rofi
- dunst
- conky
- compton
- nitrogen
- openbox
- obconf
- obmenu-generator
- lxappearance
sudo pacman -Sy openbox nitrogen obconf rofi tint2 kitty obmenu-generator compton lxappreance
- install theme
- change user_name
# 1. installing theme
# 2. change user name if needed
git clone ~/.config/tint2 --depth 1 &&
# tint2 -c ~/.config/tint2/blocks/blocks.tint2rc &
tint2 -c ~/.config/tint2/tint2-theme-collections/minima.tintrc
# run> tint2conf
- install theme
- set theme
mkdir ~/.config/rofi/themes
# cd /usr/share/rofi/themes
~/.config/rofi/themes sudo git clone
# move all *.rasi ino corrent folder
# > rofi-theme-selector
mkdir ~/.config/dunst
cd ~/.config/dunst
# git clone my dunst
- install theme
- set conf
- set theme
# openbox
# -
git clone ~/.themes &&
cd ~/.config/openbox &&
git clone &&
git clone &&
obmenu-generator -s
# run> obconf
# run> lxappearance
- screenShot.png
- config
- openbox
- rofi
- tint2
- kitty
- terminal
I am thinking of switching to i3-gaps
- install i3 i3-gaps i3status i3lock autotiling[yay] mod+enter : terminal mod+shf+Q : Quit mod + <- / mod + -> / mod + ^ : switch win