Base repository for COMP110 worksheet B
Submission of: Paul Rauca
//Convention: '//' will be used to denote comment lines
//Declaration of the 2 words: the computer-generated secret word and the user input
secret_word <- random word
player_guess <- input word
//NOTE 1: the following while loop can be safely omitted if we
//consider both words (secret_word and player_guess) to be
//of the same length by default
while length of player_guess is not equal to length of secret_word do:
player_guess <- input word
end while
attempts <- 1
word_was_guessed <- false
similarity <- 0
//the program prompts for user input while the user still has attempts left or until they guess the word
while attempts <= 5 or word_was_guessed is false do:
//Similarity calculation
for each letter in secret_word
if player_guess[letter] = secret_word[letter] then:
similarity <- similarity + 1
end if
print 'Similarity of words is' + similarity
//Check if the user guess was correct
if similarity = length of secret_word then:
word_was_guessed <- true
end if
if word_was_guessed = false then:
player_guess <- input word
//See NOTE 1 regarding the while loop below
while length of player_guess is not equal to length of secret_word do:
player_guess <- input word
end while
//number of (failed) attempts is increased by 1 and the similarity score is reset for the next attempt
attempts <- attempts + 1
similarity <- 0
end while
//If the user guessed the word, a positive message is displayed. and a negative message otherwise
if word_was_guessed = true then:
print 'Perfect match! Accessing terminal...'
end if