Hello world, I am Jetsun Prince Torres. A Filipino Web Developer & Designer, Computer Programmer, and Aspirant Full-Stack Developer.
π Graduated with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology in Polytechnic Univeristy of the Philippines, Quezon City.
π― Eager to start my professional career as a Software Developer.
π Built innovate, modern, and integrative technologies that provide soutions to the real-world problems.
πͺ Responsible, productive, team player, eager to learn, attentive to details, agile.
π I really enjoy coding in JavaScript.
π Currently learning MERN Stack.
- VaxxTrack & VaxxTrack API - A COVID-19 Contact Tracing App and Vaccine Monitoring System
- PUPQC-EPMS - An Extension Project Management System for the PUP, Quezon City.
- Hospital Recruitment Management System - A Recruitment Management System built and designed for Hospital
- ABN Job Portal - A Job Portal Web Application
- MS Word Filipino - Static Web App to train Filipinos in using MS Word with the use of Filipino language
- PUPSIS App - A Mobile Application implemented with WebView to render PUP-SIS for Mobile Devices
- PayLight UI - A mobile banking, wallet, and payment service app