- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
- 🔭 I'm Currently working on ReactJS
- 🌱 I’m currently learning how to build robust and scalable distributed systems
- 💬 Ask me about JavaScript, Front-End Development
- ⚡ Painter🎨,Cook👨🍳
- 📫 Connect with me: Check links👇🏻😊
- It is mini representation of a shopping app in react. It provides functionality of search, filtration based on categories & price, adding products to cart and ordering them. It is a responsive app.
- Highlights: Form validation, State management using Redux, browser storage, search using filtration, mapping, reduce and use of other array methods, data fetching, error handling, code reusability etc.
Live link ( Email:priyanshoochoudhary@gmail.com; password:123456789)
- It is my portfolio website which represents my capabilities of making interactive and animated websites which allows increased user experience and interaction with app/website.
- Highlights: Transitions, animations, responsive UI creation, media queries and in depth use of CSS.
- It is a social media app. We can see posts by different users, can like the post, can search the post related to particular tags, see comments, filter posts of a particular user.
- Highlights: Dark mode/light mode, context-api, multiple fetching and data handling, code reusability, responsiveness.