When you pipe stdout of some command to another one, every line is fed to the latter. If the output of the first one is a table, its first line (the header) is processed by the second command along with the table content, which is frequently not the desired behavior.
Table Header Excluded Pipe (thepipe
) echoes the first line of
stdin received from somewhere as is and pipes the rest of the input
to the child command, as the usual pipe does, for example:
$ ps | thepipe sed 's!pts/!!'
14107 5 00:00:00 bash
14128 5 00:00:00 ps
14129 5 00:00:00 thepipe
14130 5 00:00:00 thepipe
The table header stays untouched while the table content is processed
through sed
Given that the most frequent use of this tool is filtering the content
of the table with grep
, there is a wrapper thegrep
, which does exactly
what thepipe grep
would do:
$ docker images | thegrep postgres
postgres latest c96f8b6bc0d9 2 weeks ago 314MB
To build thepipe
you need a Rust toolchain.
Once you have it on your machine, you can build thepipe
by running
cargo build --release
The resulting binary is target/release/thepipe
To install it into your system, run
sudo ./install
This will place thepipe
and thegrep
into your /usr/bin