I developed this accounting utility because I had to, as part of a
mission, retrieve customer data from the company's dashboard but the
.csv files were too big and messy, and I had to grab some
additional information by clicking on the order number, which is why I
opted for scrapping rather than conversion by regex.
This allowed me to import 456 customers into my Excel file in just 2 minutes.
I used JSoup to scratch data from websites and Excel4J to build .xlsx files.
// Here, the system will sleep one second between each request
DataScraper dataScraper = new DataScraper(1000L);
// Define the URLs to be scratched
// Define cookies if you need to be connected to the website
// I advise you to use 'Cookie-Editor' Chrome extension to get cookies
dataScraper.getCookies().put("AUTH_COOKIE_NAME", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");
In my case, the pattern matches as "tbody tbody".
import com.github.crab2died.annotation.ExcelField;
public class OrderEntity {
@ExcelField(title = "ORDER ID", order = 1)
private long orderID;
@ExcelField(title = "STORE NAME", order = 2)
private String storeName;
@ExcelField(title = "BOUGHT DATE", order = 3)
private String boughtDate;
@ExcelField(title = "DELIVERY DATE", order = 4)
private String deliveryDate;
@ExcelField(title = "LASTNAME", order = 5)
private String lastName;
@ExcelField(title = "FIRSTNAME", order = 6)
private String firstName;
public OrderEntity() { }
public OrderEntity(long orderID, String lastName, String firstName, String boughtDate, String deliveryDate) {
public long getOrderID() { return orderID; }
public void setOrderID(long orderID) { this.orderID = orderID; }
public String getStoreName() { return storeName; }
public void setStoreName(String storeName) { this.storeName = storeName; }
public String getLastName() { return lastName; }
public void setLastName(String lastName) { this.lastName = lastName; }
public String getFirstName() { return firstName; }
public void setFirstName(String firstName) { this.firstName = firstName; }
public String getBoughtDate() { return boughtDate; }
public void setBoughtDate(String boughtDate) { this.boughtDate = boughtDate; }
public String getDeliveryDate() { return deliveryDate; }
public void setDeliveryDate(String deliveryDate) { this.deliveryDate = deliveryDate; }
public String toString() {
return "Order{" +
"orderID='" + orderID + '\'' +
", storeName='" + storeName + '\'' +
", lastName='" + lastName + '\'' +
", firstName='" + firstName + '\'' +
", boughDate='" + boughtDate + '\'' +
", deliveryDate='" + deliveryDate + '\'' +
dataScraper.getCookies().put("auth", "052z5x8v3f32aa36b042d2e5b3f054d8");
String pattern = "tbody tbody";
List<OrderEntity> orderList = dataScraper.scrape(pattern, (doc, element) -> {
// Passing elements that not tagged by 'tr'
if (!element.is("tr")) return null;
OrderEntity order = new OrderEntity();
String elementText = element.text();
String[] data = elementText.split(" ");
// -> output: [orderID] [storeName] [boughtDate] [deliveryDATE] [fullName]
// Collect needed data from element's children
long orderId = Long.parseLong(element.child(1).text());
String storeName = element.child(2).text();
String boughtDate = element.child(4).text();
String deliveryDate = element.child(5).text();
String fullName = element.child(6).text();
String[] fullNameSplit = fullName.split(" ");
String firstName = fullNameSplit[fullNameSplit.length - 1];
String lastName = fullName.replaceAll(firstName, "").trim();
// Set collected data to your entity object
return order;
// Export data to excel using Excel4j
final String TARGET_PATH = "path/newFileName.xlsx";
try {
ExcelUtils.getInstance().exportObjects2Excel(orderList, OrderEntity.class, true, "YOUR SHEET NAME", true, TARGET_PATH);
} catch (Excel4JException exception) {