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Phantom of the Capitol

Phantom DC for short

A RESTful API for retrieving the required fields for and filling out the contact forms of members of the US Congress, powered by PhantomJS. This project relies on Contact Congress as the data source for congress member forms.

Build Status

Installation and Setup

The easy way (for developers)


VirtualBox (with Extension Pack) and Vagrant. Using Debian or Ubuntu? Here's a one liner to save you time.

  • apt-get install vagrant virtualbox


  • vagrant up
  • vim config/phantom-dc_config.rb # edit settings here


  • vagrant ssh
  • cd /vagrant
  • rackup --host

The hard way (or when running in production)


  • apt-get install imagemagick libmysql++-dev libpq-dev git libqt4-dev xvfb
  • Download and install the latest phantomjs from


Install ruby with rvm, then

  • gem install bundler
  • bundle install

Create the database, then

  • cp config/database-example.rb config/database.rb
  • vim config/database.rb # fill in db info
  • cp config/phantom-dc_config.rb.example config/phantom-dc_config.rb
  • bundle exec rake ar:create ar:schema:load

Populating the database

Once you have Phantom DC running, you have to add data sources. Data sources are git repositories which tell Phantom DC how to fill out forms. In most cases, you want the US congress data source. To add it, use the CLI to run the following:

  • ./phantom-dc datasource add --git-clone us_congress ./us_congress members/

Then cd back over to phantom-of-the-capitol and run

  • bundle exec rake phantom-dc:update_git

Run this rake task any time you want to update the database to the latest commit of each repository. To add and remove datasources, see the help dialogue for the CLI:

  • ./phantom-dc datasource --help


Just run rackup


If you haven't set up the test db, create it, then

  • vim config/database.rb # fill in the test db info

Create and prepare the test database:

  • PADRINO_ENV=test bundle exec rake ar:create ar:schema:load

And run

  • bundle exec rspec spec


The application has three endpoints which are commonly used by application front-ends:

POST /retrieve-form-elements

Provide a json object containing an array of bio_ids in string format. Responds with a json object containing the necessary fields for the congressional contact forms.


$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"bio_ids": ["C000880", "A000360"]}' http://localhost:9292/retrieve-form-elements
{"C000880":{"required_actions":[{"maxlength":null,"value":"$NAME_FIRST","options_hash":null},{"maxlength":null,"value":"$NAME_LAST","options_hash":null},{"maxlength":null,"value":"$ADDRESS_STREET","options_hash":null},{"maxlength":null,"value":"$ADDRESS_CITY","options_hash":null},{"maxlength":null,"value":"$ADDRESS_ZIP5","options_hash":null},{"maxlength":null,"value":"$EMAIL","options_hash":null},{"maxlength":null,"value":"$SUBJECT","options_hash":null},{"maxlength":null,"value":"$MESSAGE","options_hash":null},{"maxlength":null,"value":"$NAME_PREFIX","options_hash":{" Mr. ":"Mr."," Mrs. ":"Mrs."," Ms. ":"Ms."," Mr. and Mrs. ":"Mr. and Mrs."," MSgt ":"MSgt"," Dr. ":"Dr."," Reverend ":"Reverend"," Sister ":"Sister"," Pastor ":"Pastor"," The Honorable ":"The Honorable"," Representative ":"Representative"," Senator ":"Senator"}},{"maxlength":null,"value":"$ADDRESS_STATE_POSTAL_ABBREV","options_hash":"US_STATES_AND_TERRITORIES"},{"maxlength":null,"value":"$TOPIC","options_hash":{"Agriculture":"AG","Banking & Credit":"BN","Budget & Taxes":"BU","Business, Commerce & Labor":"CM","Congress":"CG","Federal & Postal Employees":"CS","Education, Science & Technology":"ED","Energy":"EN","Environment, Nat. Resources & Wildlife":"EV","Foreign Affairs":"FA","Health Care & Social Issues":"HC","Homeland Security & Immigration":"HS","Judiciary & Crime":"JU","Native Americans":"NA","Medicaid/Medicare & Welfare":"MD","Seniors & Social Security":"SS","Telecomm. & Transportation":"TC","*Other*":"CWM1"}}]},"A000360":{"required_actions":[{"maxlength":null,"value":"$NAME_FIRST","options_hash":null},{"maxlength":null,"value":"$NAME_LAST","options_hash":null},{"maxlength":null,"value":"$ADDRESS_STREET","options_hash":null},{"maxlength":null,"value":"$ADDRESS_CITY","options_hash":null},{"maxlength":null,"value":"$ADDRESS_ZIP5","options_hash":null},{"maxlength":null,"value":"$EMAIL","options_hash":null},{"maxlength":null,"value":"$MESSAGE","options_hash":null},{"maxlength":null,"value":"$ADDRESS_STATE","options_hash":["AK","AL","AR","AZ","CA","CO","CT","DC","DE","FL","GA","HI","IA","ID","IL","IN","KS","KY","LA","MA","MD","ME","MI","MN","MO","MS","MT","NC","ND","NE","NH","NJ","NM","NV","NY","OH","OK","OR","PA","RI","SC","SD","Tennessee","TX","UT","VA","VT","WA","WI","WV","WY","AS","GU","MP","PR","VI","UM","FM","MH","PW","AA","AE","AP"]},{"maxlength":null,"value":"$TOPIC","options_hash":["Abortion","Agriculture","Animal_Rights","Banking","Budget","Casework","Civil_Rights","Defense","Economy","Education","Energy","Environment","Foreign_Affairs","Guns_Firearms","Health_Care","Homeland_Security","Immigration","Information_Technology","Labor","National_Parks","Postal_Service","Small_Business","Social_Security","Taxes","Trade","Transportation","Veterans","Welfare","Special_Requests"]}]}}

POST /fill-out-form

Provide a json object containing the bio_id of the member of congress, the fields to fill out, and a campaign_tag for tracking successes.

Responds with a json object containing a status:

  • success if the request succeeded.
  • error if there was a problem. In this case, there will be an additional message giving more information.
  • captcha_needed if the form requires a captcha to be filled out. In this case, a url will be provided which gives a relative path to the captcha image that can be provided to the end user, as well as a uid that will have to be provided on the subsequent fill-out-captcha request.

Example #1, with captcha:

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"bio_id": "A000000", "fields": {"$NAME_FIRST": "John", "$NAME_LAST": "Doe", "$ADDRESS_STREET": "123 Main Street", "$ADDRESS_CITY": "New York", "$ADDRESS_ZIP5": "10112", "$EMAIL": "", "$MESSAGE": "I have concerns about the proposal....", "$NAME_PREFIX": "Grand Moff"}}' http://localhost:9292/fill-out-form

Example #2, no captcha:

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"bio_id": "A111111", "campaign_tag": "stop_sopa", "fields": {"$NAME_FIRST": "John", "$NAME_LAST": "Doe", "$ADDRESS_STREET": "123 Main Street", "$ADDRESS_CITY": "New York", "$ADDRESS_ZIP5": "10112", "$EMAIL": "", "$MESSAGE": "I have concerns about the proposal....", "$NAME_PREFIX": "Grand Moff"}}' http://localhost:9292/fill-out-form

POST /fill-out-captcha

For continuing filling in the remote form when a captcha is present. Provide a json object containing the same uid you provided in the previous request to /fill-out-captcha, as well as the captcha answer in the answer string. As above, responds with a javascript object containing the status success or error.

Example for #1 above:

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"answer": "cx9bp", "uid": "example_uid"}' http://localhost:9292/fill-out-captcha

Status Indications and Helpers

The application has a number of other helpful endpoints to indicate status and failures:

GET /recent-fill-image/<bio_id>

Provide a bio_id as part of the GET request. Responds with a 302 redirect to a badge indicating the status of form fills since the last time the congress member actions were udated.

GET /recent-fill-status/<bio_id>

Provide a bio_id as part of the GET request. Responds with a hash giving statistics on the number of successes, failures, and errors encountered when trying to fill in forms since the last time the congress member actions were updated.

There area also endpoints which require authorization to access. The following endpoints are only accessible if a valid debug_key is provided as a parameter.

GET /recent-statuses-detailed/<bio_id>

Provide a bio_id as part of the GET request. Responds with a detailed list of recent statuses when trying to fill in the form for this congress member. 'Recent' means since the last time this congress member has been updated with new success criteria or actions.

GET /list-actions/<bio_id>

Provide a bio_id as part of the GET request. Responds with a detailed list of all actions that are performed to fill out the form for this congress member.

GET /list-congress-members

Responds with a list of all congress members and their websites.

GET /successful-fills-by-date/<bio_id>

Responds with a count of the number of successful fills, grouped by date. Optionally provide the <bio_id> route parameter to retrieve results only for that member. You can also optionally provide a campaign_tag parameter to retrieve results filtered by campaign_tag.

Example with bio_id, without campaign_tag:

$ curl 'http://localhost:9292/successful-fills-by-date/A000000?debug_key=some_key'
{"2014-06-27 00:00:00 -0700":3,"2014-06-28 00:00:00 -0700":0,"2014-06-29 00:00:00 -0700":2,"2014-06-30 00:00:00 -0700":2,"2014-07-01 00:00:00 -0700":4}

Example with bio_id and campaign_tag:

$ curl 'http://localhost:9292/successful-fills-by-date/A000000?campaign_tag=some_tag&debug_key=some_key'
{"2014-06-27 00:00:00 -0700":1,"2014-06-28 00:00:00 -0700":0,"2014-06-29 00:00:00 -0700":1,"2014-06-30 00:00:00 -0700":2,"2014-07-01 00:00:00 -0700":0}

Example without bio_id or campaign_tag:

$ curl 'http://localhost:9292/successful-fills-by-date/?debug_key=some_key'
{"2014-06-27 00:00:00 -0700":360,"2014-06-28 00:00:00 -0700":118,"2014-06-29 00:00:00 -0700":232,"2014-06-30 00:00:00 -0700":89,"2014-07-01 00:00:00 -0700":842}

Example without bio_id, with campaign_tag:

$ curl 'http://localhost:9292/successful-fills-by-date/?campaign_tag=some_tag&debug_key=some_key'
{"2014-06-27 00:00:00 -0700":56,"2014-06-28 00:00:00 -0700":27,"2014-06-29 00:00:00 -0700":48,"2014-06-30 00:00:00 -0700":12,"2014-07-01 00:00:00 -0700":98}

GET /successful-fills-by-member/

Responds with a count of the number of successful fills, grouped by member of congress bioguide id. You can also optionally provide a campaign_tag parameter to retrieve results filtered by campaign_tag.

Example without campaign_tag:

$ curl 'http://localhost:9292/successful-fills-by-member/?debug_key=some_key'

Example with campaign_tag:

$ curl 'http://localhost:9292/successful-fills-by-member/?campaign_tag=some_tag&debug_key=some_key'

Debugging Phantom of the Capitol

The Congress Forms Debugger is a useful tool for debugging Phantom DC. To run it locally, in config/phantom-dc_config.rb first make sure to set DEBUG_KEY to a shared secret and CORS_ALLOWED_DOMAINS to add localhost:8000 if the debugger is going to be run on port 8000. Then:

$ git clone
$ cd congress-forms-test
$ vim js/config.js # edit this file so that `CONTACT_CONGRESS_SERVER` points to your own `phantom-of-the-capitol` API root.
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer # or configure apache for this endpoint

Now, you should be able to point your browser to http://localhost:8000/congress-forms-test/?debug_key=DEBUG_KEY (replacing, of course, DEBUG_KEY) and see a list of members of congress with a column for their Recent Success Rate. From here, you can click on the bioguide identifier for a member of congress and be brought to a page where you can then:

  1. send a test form fill
  2. see details about their recent form fills, including (if it was an attemt resulting in failure or error):
  • the Delayed::Job id #
  • a debugging message
  • a screenshot at the point of failure
  1. view the actions for this member of congress, as the database sees them (e.g. if you want to make sure the actions match the latest YAML from contact-congress)

Re-running jobs that resulted in error or failure

Any jobs that result in an error or failure are added to the Delayed::Job job queue, unless the SKIP_DELAY environment variable is set. This job queue shold be checked periodically and the jobs themselves debugged and re-run to ensure delivery. A number of convenience rake tasks have been provided for this purpose.

rake phantom-dc:delayed_job:jobs_per_member

Dispays the number of jobs per member of congress in descending order, indicating which members have captchas on their forms and giving a summation at the end.

rake phantom-dc:delayed_job:perform_fills[regex,job_id,overrides]

Perform the form fills in the queue, optionally providing:

  • regex which will only perform the fills for members with matching bioguide identifiers
  • job_id which will only perform the fill for a given Delayed::Job id
  • overrides, a Ruby hash which will override the field values when the fill is performed


$ rake phantom-dc:delayed_job:perform_fills
$ rake phantom-dc:delayed_job:perform_fills[A000000]
$ rake phantom-dc:delayed_job:perform_fills[A000000,,'{"$PHONE" => "555-555-5555"}']
$ rake phantom-dc:delayed_job:perform_fills[,12345,'{"$EMAIL" => ""}']

rake phantom-dc:override_field[regex,job_id,overrides]

Override values for jobs in the queue, optionally providing:

  • regex which will only override the values for members with matching bioguide identifiers
  • job_id which will only override the value for a given Delayed::Job id
  • overrides, a Ruby hash which will override the field values for the criteria specified


$ rake phantom-dc:delayed_job:override_field
$ rake phantom-dc:delayed_job:override_field[A000000]
$ rake phantom-dc:delayed_job:override_field[A000000,,'{"$PHONE" => "555-555-5555"}']
$ rake phantom-dc:delayed_job:override_field[,12345,'{"$EMAIL" => ""}']

rake phantom-dc:delayed_job:zip4_retry[regex]

Pick out the jobs that have no $ADDRESS_ZIP4 defined, figure out the zip+4 based on the address and 5-digit zip in the job (requires an account with SmartyStreets with credentials in config/phantom-dc_config.rb), and try the job again. Optionally provide:

  • regex which will only perform the fills for members with matching bioguide identifiers


$ rake phantom-dc:delayed_job:zip4_retry
$ rake phantom-dc:delayed_job:zip4_retry[A000000]

Padrino Console

If you prefer to dive deep, you can fire up the padrino console with padrino c and debug jobs:

> Delayed::Job.where(queue: "error_or_failure").count # count of all jobs
 => 78
> job = Delayed::Job.where(queue: "error_or_failure").first # get the first job
 => #<Delayed::Backend::ActiveRecord::Job id: 318, priority: 0, attempts: 1, handler: "--- !ruby/object:Delayed::PerformableMethod\nobject:...", last_error: "Unable to find css \"p\" with text /Thank you!/\n[\"/ho...", run_at: "2014-07-03 12:14:10", locked_at: nil, failed_at: nil, locked_by: nil, queue: "error_or_failure", created_at: "2014-07-03 12:14:10", updated_at: "2014-08-26 18:50:27"> 
> handler = YAML.load job.handler # get the "handler" which contains the object to be acted upon and the arguments
 => #<Delayed::PerformableMethod:0x0000000544ae30 @object=#<CongressMember id: 60, bioguide_id: "F000457", success_criteria: "---\nheaders:\n  status: 200\nbody:\n  contains: Your m...", created_at: "2014-04-30 19:08:05", updated_at: "2014-07-03 18:54:34">, @method_name=:fill_out_form, @args=[{"$NAME_FIRST"=>"John", "$NAME_LAST"=>"Doe", "$ADDRESS_STREET"=>"123 Fake Street", "$ADDRESS_CITY"=>"Hennepin", "$ADDRESS_ZIP5"=>"55369", "$EMAIL"=>"", "subscribe"=>"1", "$SUBJECT"=>"Example subject", "$MESSAGE"=>"Example Message", "$NAME_PREFIX"=>"Mr.", "$ADDRESS_STATE_POSTAL_ABBREV"=>"MN", "$TOPIC"=>"Example Topic", "$PHONE"=>"555-555-5555", "$ADDRESS_ZIP4"=>"1234"}, nil]>
handler.args[0]['$PHONE'] = '123-456-7890' # set the phone number

Then, when you're ready to retry the fill:

handler.perform # try filling out the form
handler.object.fill_out_form(handler.args[0]) do |c|
  puts c
end # fills out a form with a captcha


Generate and submit forms to congress







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  • Ruby 94.4%
  • Shell 3.5%
  • HTML 1.9%
  • JavaScript 0.2%