RIAPS Modeling Language
Edit the updateversion.sh and execute to set the version correctly.
- Download the release tar ball to your machine.
- untar it
$ tar -xf riapsdsmlplugin.tar.gz
- Add the local folder as an update site to your eclipse.
- Open Eclipse --> Help --> Install New Software -- Add... --> Local...
- Browse to location of untar-ed release and click ok.
- install the available plugins.
- From
tar -zcvf riapsdsmlplugin-<version>.tar.gz repository/
- Transfer tar file to release server
- System setup
$ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.11.0-openjdk-amd64
$ apt-get install maven
- Eclipse Plugins to install
- Using Help --> Install New Software ... --> Work with: 2019-09 - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/2019-09 (from dropdown)
- in "type filter text" box search for : m2e – Extensions Development Support
- Using Help --> Eclipse Marketplace ...
- Eclipse Xtext 2.19.0 and Eclipse Xtend 2.19.0
- Using Help --> Install New Software ... --> Work with: 2019-09 - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/2019-09 (from dropdown)
Clone the git repository
Run the mvn build inside edu.vanderbilt.riaps.system.parent project directory. This step is necessary to create the src-gen and xtend-gen folders. These folders are not tracked in the git repository because they are generated.
$ pushd edu.vanderbilt.riaps.system.parent && mvn clean install && popd
Then import the workspace into eclipse.
Once you have imported the project into workspace, start compiling the projects in the following sequence
- edu.vanderbilt.riaps.app
- Expand the project selection to edu.vanderbilt.riaps.app->src->edu.vanderbilt.riaps->GenerateApp.mwe2
- Then right click on the mwe2 file and select "Run As --> MWE2 Workflow"
- edu.vanderbilt.riaps.system
- Expand the project selection to edu.vanderbilt.riaps.system->src->edu.vanderbilt.riaps->GenerateSystem.mwe2
- Then right click on the mwe2 file and select "Run As --> MWE2 Workflow"
- Right click edu.vanderbilt.riaps.app or edu.vanderbilt.riaps.system
- Run As --> Eclipse Application
- In new Eclipse environment
- File --> Open Projects from File System... --> Directory
- Browse to git repository --> examples --> example_Weather_Monitor --> OK --> Finish If everything worked correctly the riaps example models will have syntax highlighting and autocomplete among other useful features.
Note: When releasing this tool, version number needs updating in many different places