Version 2.1.0 - The Really Cool Update
Added many features, most of which don't work. This is also the first release on Spigot, so be sure to check out the page over there!
Here's what doesn't work:
- Loading scenarios. I haven't yet found a way to load the classes properly, so enabling scenarios then starting the game will lead to the scenarios not loading and the console spamming errors. Expect a fix soon, when I get round to it.
- Kits. Because I've been working on the scenarios system I haven't been able to make the kits system. That bit about the kits in the config file will stay useless for the near future.
Of course, if you experience any bugs, report them on the issues page.
If you want to fix those bugs yourself and have sufficient knowledge of Java, you can contribute to the code! Just open a pull request.