This is my Blockchain Final project for Start2Impact.
The main purpose of this project is to build an auction platform to sell limited edition shoes for an eco-friendly footwear company using Django, Redis and Web3PY.
BlockSneakers is an auction platform designed to sell limited edition shoes for an eco-friendly footwear company. The platform allows users to register and log into the platform and gives a welcome bonus of 5000€ to every new user to start making bids. Customers can place bids on open auctions and easily monitor their wallet balance and won auctions. When an auction concludes, BlockSneakers sends an Ethereum Sepolia transaction containg the sha256 hash of the auction JSON report. BlockSneakers embraces transparent auctions, empowering users to independently verify results using the secure and immutable blockchain technology.
Django is a powerful and popular Python based web framework for building web applications.
Redis is an in-memory NoSQL database used for fast data storage and retrieval.
Web3PY is a Python library that provides developers easy interaction with Ethereum blockchain.
- Clone this repository in your local
- Be sure to have Python installed on your device, for this project i used Python 3.10.9.
- Be sure to have a Python IDE on board (I recommend PyCharm)
- Open the program main directory in your IDE, open new terminal window and type
pip install virtualenv
- Create a virtual environment by typing
python3.10 -m venv env
and activate it withsource env/bin/activate
- Install program requirements by typing
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Initialize the program database by typing
cd project
,python3 makemigrations
andpython3 migrate
- Create an admin user to start new auctions
python3 createsuperuser
- Run the program by typing
python3 runserver
- Enjoy BlockSneakers!