This is one of the course project materials for HKUST ELEC-5140 Advanced Computer Architecture, where students are encouraged to enhance the structural model and improve its performance. This project is alive, maintained by Any discussion or suggestion would be greatly appreciated!
RV32i directory contains a Vivado project of RISC-V CPU written in verilog, which implements a 5-stage single-issue processor, supporting 31 basic instructions from RV32I base instruction set.
RISC-V_Assembler directory contains an assembler to translate RISC-V instruction assembly into hexadecimal format, which could be easily directly loaded to instruction memory through
during Vivado simulation. -
tests directory contains benchmark written in RV32i assembly. Vec_Mul is a basic coding example.
- R-type:
add s1, t1, t2 # s1 = t1 + t2
- I-type:
slti s1, t1, 3 # if t1 < 3: s1 = 1; else: s1 = 0;
- Load / Store:
lw s1, 4(t1) # s1 = *(t1 + 1) // 4 means 4 bytes == 1 word (int size)
sw s1, 4(t1)
- Branch:
# Using immediate value for address is OK
beq t1, t2, 0x1000
# A more convenient way is using labels, like:
# ...
# ... do whatever you want
# ...
beq t1, t2, This_Is_A_Label // if t1 == t2, then jump to the first instruction after label "This_Is_A_Label"
lui x2, 0x12345 # x2 = 0x12345000
addi x2, x2, 0x678 # x2 = 0x12345678
auipc x3, 0x0100 # x3 = 0x00100000 + PC
jal x1, SOME_LABEL # or some immediate value as address
jalr x0, x1, 0 # only immediate value is allowed for the third parameter!
# by the way, this is equal to "jr ra" in its effect
# you can realize calling a function with "jal" and "jalr"
- comments:
# This is a line of comment
// This is also a line of comment
add s1, s2, s3 # This is a line of comment following one instruction
add s1, s2, s3 // This is also a line of comment following one instruction
- Others
# 1. Case Insensitivity
add s1, t1, t2 // OK
ADD s2, t1, t1 // also OK
# 2. Supporting both Register Name and ABI Name
// Instead of using register name 'x0', 'x1', you can also use 'zero', 'ra',
// which makes your assembly more readable
- Pseudo Ops
- Pseudo Instructions
- Make it good-looking...
- To support other basic instructions
- SB, SH
- To support other basic instructions
- The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual
- RV32i Registers: only x0 ~ x31 are used here.
- RV32I base instruction set