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[RUPEE] FortunaStake Setup Guide

CircuitBreaker edited this page Aug 23, 2020 · 9 revisions

FortunaStake Setup Guide

Self-Send Transaction

Step 1 Click on Receive Coins tab in top toolbar and select the button in the bottom left hand corner named New Address. Type the Label for address (Example - FS1) and click ok.

Step 2 Right Click new address entry in the Address List (Will pop up after you click ok) and click Copy Address. From there head to the Send Coins tab in the top toolbar and paste in the Pay To section (The Label should auto-fill with the label name you entered when creating the address). In the Amount section type 8400 then click the Send button in the bottom right corner. Confirm Send & Confirm Transaction Fee.

Step 3 Wait 500 Confirmations (During the wait you can configure the VPS server)

VPS Configuration

Log into VPS (Can be acquired from a service like Vultr, OVH, or DigitalOcean) via Putty connection

Update Linux

sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y

Install Dependencies

sudo apt-get --assume-yes install git unzip build-essential libssl-dev libdb++-dev libboost-all-dev libqrencode-dev libminiupnpc-dev libevent-dev obfs4proxy

sudo apt-get install libevent-dev && sudo apt-get install obfs4proxy

Install Fail2Ban

sudo apt install fail2ban

Create Swap File

sudo fallocate -l 2G /swapfile

sudo chmod 600 /swapfile

sudo mkswap /swapfile

sudo swapon /swapfile

echo '/swapfile none swap sw 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab

Install Firewall

sudo apt install ufw -y

ufw default allow outgoing

ufw default deny incoming

ufw allow ssh/tcp

ufw limit ssh/tcp

ufw allow 64634/tcp

ufw allow 64630/tcp

ufw logging on

ufw --force enable

Compile Daemon

git clone

cd Rupee-Evolution

git checkout master

cd src

sudo make -f makefile.unix

strip rupeeevolutiond

sudo cp ~/Rupee-Evolution/src/rupeeevolutiond /usr/local/bin/rupeeevolutiond

./rupeeevolutiond -daemon

./rupeeevolutiond stop or killall rupeeevolutiond

Then you need to modify the rupeeevolution.conf file in the .rupeeevolution folder

nano /root/.rupeeevolution/rupeeevolution.conf

Then change port from 64630 to-> 64638

Set fortunastake=0 to 1 (true)

Set fortunastakeaddr=VPSIP:64638 (Copy the IP address of the VPS you are logged into and save this IP address somewhere)

Set fortunastakeprivkey= with the genkey. To get this load up your local Qt GUI wallet that you performed the self send on and click the Debug Window button in the Lower left section of the toolbar. From there type fortunastake genkey and use that in the VPS conf. Please save it as well in the same place you saved the VPS IP address information.

After press Ctrl + X then Y then press Enter

After run the daemon to sync with the network

./rupeeevolutiond -daemon

Local Wallet Configuration

Step 1 Load the Qt Wallet and bring up the debug console once more. Type fortunastake outputs to get the Tx Hash and Output Index on the self send(Example: "5af1128578d8d501b09ba03a93b99bb9929bad1fa5bf7a4a84332ba3ed83c802" <--Tx Hash : "0" <-- Output Index). Save this information in the same place you saved the VPS IP address & your fortunastake genkey.

Step 2 Click on the Fortuna Stakes tab in the top toolbar and select My Rupee Evolution Fortuna Stakes list. You should then see the Create button on the upper right hand corner above the Collateral address section. Click this

Step 3 A window will popup after clicking the Create button, from here you must fill out the information with the data we saved along the way

Alias - Address Label for Selfsend - Example: FS1

Address - VPSIP:64638

Privkey - fortunastake genkey

TxHash - Transaction Hash from fortunastake outputs

Output Index - Output Index from fortunastake outputs

Make sure there are NO SPACES before or after any of the entered information

To Edit fortunastake.conf information head to AppData/Roaming folder and enter the Rupee Evolution folder

Step 4 Edit the rupeeevolution.conf file for your Qt Wallet (Tools -> Open Wallet Configuration File. Or head to AppData/Roaming/RupeeEvolution Folder to edit)

Add fsconflock=1 to conf file (under staking=1)

Save Changes

Step 5 Restart Qt Wallet

Starting Fortuna Stake

Step 1 Open Debug Console and type fortunastake start-alias FS1

(Alternatively you can just press the Start or Start All button in the Fortuna Stakes -> My Rupee Evolution Fortuna Stakes)

Step 2 Head to configured VPS and type ./rupeeevolutiond fortunastake start

To get information on Fortuna Stake from vps type ./rupeeevolutiond fortunastake status

./rupeeevolutiond masternode status also still works

In the My Rupee Evolution Fortuna Stakes tab in your QT wallet used for the self-send, the QT will show Registered once you start your FortunaStake and then Verified, Online, and finally Active. Wait 1 complete round for rewards. 1 round is roughly how many FortunaStakes are up, and that's how many blocks a round will last.