TASK 1 : The task is to learn some key Excel shortcuts, practice them in Excel. Common shortcuts to know include the following.
Spreadsheet actions and movement:
- Save: Ctrl-S
- Print: Ctrl-P
- Undo: Ctrl-Z
- Redo: Ctrl-Y
- Jump to Bottom of Data: Ctrl-Down Arrow
- Jump to Top of Data: Ctrl-Up Arrow
- Go to Previous Sheet: Ctrl-Page Up
- Go to Next Sheet: Ctrl-Page Down
Data selection:
- Select All Data in Column: Ctrl-Shift-Down Arrow
- Select Whole Column: Ctrl-Space
- Select All Data in Row: Shift-Space
- Select All Data in Region: Ctrl-A
Data Editing:
- Filter: Ctrl-Shift-L
- Find: Ctrl-F
- Flash Fill: Ctrl-E
- Select Discontinuous Cells: Shift-F8
- Spell Check: F7
- Automatically Add Sum Totals for Columns and/or Rows: Alt-=
- Remove Duplicates: Alt-A-M
- Sort A-Z: Alt-A-S-A
- Sort Z-A: Alt-A-S-D
- Delete Row: Ctrl-Minus
- Copy Selected Object or Data: Ctrl-D
Data Formatting:
- Format Cells: Ctrl-1
- Create Data Table: Ctrl-T
- Autoformat Data Tables: Alt-O-A
- Format As Currency: Ctrl-Shift-4
- Format As 2 Decimal Place Number: Ctrl-Shift-1
TASK 2 :
The task is to use the conditional formatting tools to do the following explorations of the data:
- Highlight any cells with formula errors in purple with white text.
- Highlight any cells with missing values in yellow.
- Identify accounts that have not been cross-sold with Product 2 by highlighting the appropriate Product 2 cells in orange.
- Identify accounts that have a 5-year sales CAGR of at least 100% by highlighting the appropriate CAGR cells in green and any accounts with a negative CAGR in red with white text.
- Identify accounts in the top 10% of unit sales for 2021 by highlighting the appropriate 2021 unit sales cells in blue.
TASK 3 :
Create two macros and associated buttons:
- A macro to sort the entire spreadsheet by 5 YR CAGR in descending order to see which accounts have the highest overall 5-year sales growth
- A macro to sort the entire spreadsheet by 2021 unit sales in descending order to see which accounts have the highest overall unit sales in 2021
TASK 4 :
Create a simple dashboard using the account sales dataset.
TASK 5 :
To write a short PowerPoint presentation to communicate key insights and data from your analysis and visualization work in the prior task.