This project is basically a real time chat application like whatsapp which supports one-one messaging with less latency. In this project Django-channels has been used to maintain the connection status stable through the ASGI server and to get real time live chat notification we have used Websocket which creates the connection. To get less latency we have used redis server.
Tool Used: Python, Django, Django-Channels, Websocket, Redis Server, SQLITE3, Rest API, HTML, CSS, Javascript etc.
--> Here 'chat' is the project folder & 'core' is the project app
Step-1: Installing the redis-server for windows
Use the command: python -m venv "env-name you want to set" Example: python -m venv myenv
Use the command: cd "project directory name" Example: cd django-whatsapp-main
Use this command: pip install -r requirements.txt
Use this command: python migrate
Use this command: python createsuperuser
Use the command: python runserver
--> Please check the server which is running in console is ASGI/CHANNEL or not
--> Please use the same versions which is listed in requirements.txt to get ASGI server
--> The project will not be executed if the server is Development server
--> Go to any browser and search for: http://localhost:8000